i. | Geographical area | Western Asia Minor |
ii. | Region | Ionia |
iii. | Site | Miletus |
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Last Updated on 11 Jul 2019
CAPInv. 1001: Temeneitai
i. | Full name (original language) | Τεμενεῖται (Milet VI.2 798 l. 3) |
ii. | Full name (transliterated) | Temeneitai |
i. | Date(s) | 79 - 40 BC |
ii. | Name elements |
i. | Source(s) |
Milet VI.2 798 Milet VI.2 799 |
Note | Herrmann 1980: 226-230; Harland 2014: no. 132. | |
Online Resources |
Herrmann 1980: 226-229 Herrmann 1980: 229-230 |
i.a. | Source type(s) | Epigraphic source(s) |
i.b. | Document(s) typology & language/script |
Milet VI.2 798: list of members Milet VI.2 799: building inscription (?) Greek. |
i.c. | Physical format(s) |
Milet VI.2 798: a large block of grey marble, that was part of a larger structure Milet VI.2 799: lintel of grey marble |
ii. | Source(s) provenance | Said to be brought to the Museum from a tomb in the necropolis at the Değirmentepe. |
i. | Archaeological remains | The two stones carrying the inscriptions seem to have been part of a tomb which was build under the supervision of the association. |
iii. | Members |
Τεμενῖται, temenitai (Milet VI.2 798) |
iv. | Officials |
χρυσονόμος, chrysonomos (Milet V.2 798) γραμματεύς, grammateus (Milet V.2 798) ἐπιστάτης, epistates (Milet V.2 799) The chrysonomos was the treasurer, the grammateus the secretary of the association. Cf. Herrmann 1980: 226-227 with n. 9. If they were eponymous officials (cf. next field), they most probably administered their office for a year. Milet V.2 799 records, without any further details, the person who was designated chrysonomos in 798 as epistates. He seems to have been supervising a building project, most likely the construction of the tomb of which the stones carrying the inscriptions were part. It is not clear whether the epistates was a regular official of the association. It is more likely that the supervision of the construction project was part of the duties of the chrysonomos. |
Eponymous officials | Both the chrysonomos and the grammateus are mentioned in the praescript after the milesian στεφανήφορος, stephanephoros, the eponymous of the city. Therefore, they seem to be the eponymous officials of the association. |
i. | Treasury/Funds | Since the chrysonomos was the treasurer of the association, it must have had some kind of treasury. |
ii. | Realty | The association probably owned a tomb. Its construction was supervised by an official of the association and the two inscriptions were recorded on its walls. |
i. | Number |
17, later 19 or 20 members (Milet VI.2 798) The inscription originally listed 17 members, the names of two or three more were added later, not necessarily at the same time. The officials mentioned in the praescript are listed again with the regular members. |
ii. | Gender |
Men Women |
Note | Only one woman is named in the list, in the last, later added line (l. 13). The entry, however, is defective and reads: Ζμύρνα Αἰσ vac., Zmyrna Ais vac. It has been suggested in the commentary to Milet VI.2 798 that rather than as a name this should be read as the ethnicon Ζμυρνα{α}ῖ<o>ς, Zmyrna{a}i<o>s. | |
iii. | Age |
Children Adults Elders |
Note | At least two members belong to two generations of the same family. | |
iv. | Status |
Two members are marked by their ethnicon as foreigners without citizenship. They probably lived as metoikoi in Miletus. One of them, Artemon, son of Alexandros from Antiocheia (ll. 2-4), acted as the secretary (γραμματεύς, grammateus) of the association. He could have been a merchant from Antiocheia in Syria living in Miletus. The second foreigner in the list (l. 10) was a citizen of neighboring Herakleia. |
v. | Relations |
No relations are explicitly indicated, but the list of members includes at least one father-son pair. Nomos, son of Herakleides (l. 9 ), was most probably the son of Herakleides, son of Herkleides (l. 8) listed just above him. Sindes, son of Nomos (l. 6) and Epikouros, son of Nomos (l. 11) could have belonged to the same family. |
ii. | Meetings and events | The list of the members is styled as the record of a meeting (οἵδε συνήχθησαν Τεμενῖται, hoide synechthesan Temenitai). This formula suggest a meeting in the form of a banquet (Herrmann, Milet VI.2: p. 93 with reference to Ph. Gauthier, BE 1991, 426). |
iii. | Worship |
The designation of the association's members as temenitai indicates its religious character and suggests activities related to a temenos. Other milesian inscriptions mentioning temenitai usually name one or several gods worshipped by the association. cf. also the comments below. |
iv. | Honours/Other activities | The association was supervising a building project, most probably the construction of a tomb. |
i. | Local interaction | cf. the comments below |
i. | Comments |
Possible dates for Milet VI.2 798 are 79/78, 43/42 and 41/40; the later two are more probable. The inscriptions do not specify the name of the association but just use the generic term Τεμενεῖται, Temeneitai, without the usual references to certain gods. The association could therefore be identical with one of the other milesian associations of Τεμεν(ε)ῖται, Temen(e)itai or τεμενίζοντες, temenizontes. It is well possible that Andronikos, son of Myonides (Ἀνδόνικος Μυονίδου [sic], Andonikos Myonidou) listed as a member in Milet VI.2 798 l. 12 is identical with the grammateus of the τεμενίζοντες τῶι τε Ἀπόλλωνι καὶ Διὶ καὶ Ἀφροδίτηι, temenizontes toi te Apolloni kai Dii kai Aphroditei, listed in Milet VI.2 797. This would strongly suggest that Milet VI.2 797 and 798/799 are indeed records of the same association. On groups of temenizontes, Temenitai in Miletus in general cf. CAPInv. 998. |
iii. | Bibliography |
Harland, Ph.A. (2014), Greco-Roman Associations: Texts, Translations and Commentary. II. North Coast of the Black Sea, Asia Minor. Berlin, Boston. Herrmann, P. (1980), 'Urkunden milesischer Temenitai', MDAI(I) 30: 223-239. |
i. | Private association | Certain |
Note | The terminology employed (temeneitai) and the religious character indicates a private association. |