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Last Updated on 23 May 2019

Author: Ursula Kunnert

CAPInv. 1013: hoi Demetros therapontes


i. Geographical area Eastern Asia Minor
ii. Region Cilicia
iii. Site Tarsos


i. Full name (original language) οἱ Δημήτρος θεράποντες (Merkelbach-Stauber, SGO IV: 209, no. 19/13/01, l. 13)
ii. Full name (transliterated) hoi Demetros therapontes


i. Date(s) ii - iii AD


i. Name in other forms τὸ ἱερὸν συνέργιον, to hieron synergion (Merkelbach-Stauber, SGO IV: 209, no. 19/13/01, l. 17)
ii. Name elements
iii. Descriptive terms συνέργιον, synergion
Note synergion: Merkelbach-Stauber, SGO IV: 209, no. 19/13/01, l. 17


i. Source(s) Merkelbach-Stauber, SGO IV: 209, no. 19/13/01 (ii - iii AD)
Note Other editions/commentaries:
SEG 26: 1457
Daux 1977: 51-70
Dittmann-Schöne VI.6.3
Drew-Bear 1975: 301-3 (lines 1-14)
Harland 2014: 437-8
IdC 209-211, no. 124
Ramsay 1883: 325-7 no. 54
Ramsay 1967: 298-300
Robert 1949: 197-205
Online Resources SEG 26: 1457

AGRW ID# 13491
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Honorary epigram in Greek for the consul Papeis, also called Hemerios-
i.c. Physical format(s) statue base of marble


ii. References to buildings/objects The four secretaries of the synergion dedicated the στατίων, station, to the hieron synergion. The station may be the place, where the monument is erected, perhaps the office of the synergion (cf. Robert 1949: 202-5).


iv. Officials 4 grammateis, all in their second term: Neon, Lucius, Alexandros and Myragenes. For the expression ἐπὶ γραμματέων τῶν περὶ κτλ. (epi grammateon ton peri ktl.) to specify the grammateis themselves cf. Robert 1949: 202 with note 5.
They dedicated the στατίων, station, to the synergion.
Eponymous officials The names of the grammateis are used in order to date the inscription.


iii. Worship The name hoi Demetros therapontes indicates an active role in the cult of Demeter.
Deities worshipped Demeter
iv. Honours/Other activities The attendants of Demeter honoured the eques Romanus and later consul Papeis with a statue.


i. Comments At the time of the erection of the statue Hemerios had been an eques Romanus. When he was given the rank of senator and became consul, the attendants of Demeter emended line 1 from Ῥωμαίων ἱππῆα, Rhomaion hippea, to Ῥωμαίων ὕπατον, Rhomaion hypaton (a part of the word ὕπατον, hypaton, is carved on a rasura). Before Hemerios became consul, he had acted at regional and provincial level as demiourgos, kilikarches, gymnasiarchos and lawyer.

The attendants of Demeter appear to be the same as the hieron synergion mentioned at the end of the inscription.
Maybe the synergion of the servants (therapontes) of Demeter is identical with the association of porters in the grain-market, known from honorary inscriptions for Caracalla and a member of the cities elite in Tarsos (see CAPInv. 1012), cf. Broughton 1938: 57 note 3. Robert 1977: 93. Ziegler 1985: 146.
ii. Poland concordance Poland Z 85
iii. Bibliography Daux, G. (1977), ‘Le consul Papeis de Tarse’, in Epigraphica 39: 51-70 (with extended bibliography).
Dittmann-Schöne, I. (2010), Die Berufsvereine in den Städten des kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasiens. 2nd ed. Regensburg.
Drew-Bear, T. (1975), ‘Two Ghost-Words and a Consul: Inscriptions of Pergamum and Tarsus’, HSPh 79: 301-3.
Harland, P.A. (2014), Greco-Roman Associations: Texts, Translations, and Commentary, II. North Coast of the Black Sea, Asia Minor. Berlin, Boston.
Ramsay, W.M. (1883), ‘Inscriptions inédites de l'Asie Mineure’, BCH 7: 297-328, esp. 325-7, no. 54.
Ramsay, W.M. (1967), Social Basis of Roman Power in Asia minor, Aberdeen 1941 (Repr. Amsterdam).
Robert, L. (1949), Hellenica, Recueil d'épigraphie, de numismatique et d'antiquités grecques. Vol 7. Paris: 197-205.
Robert, L. (1977), ‘Documents d'Asie mineure’, BCH 101.1: 43-132, esp. 92-3.


i. Private association Certain
Note The use of the term synergion, the existence of officials and the documented activities of the attendants of Demeter suggest that we are dealing with a private association.
ii. Historical authenticity Certain