i. | Geographical area | Cyprus |
ii. | Region | Cyprus |
iii. | Site | Salamis and Paphos Vetus |
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Last Updated on 27 Feb 2017
CAPInv. 1033: to koinon ton en toi kata Kypron grammateioi peri ton Dionyson techniton
i. | Full name (original language) | τὸ κοινὸν τῶν ἐν τῶι κατὰ Κύπρον γραμματείωι περὶ τὸν Διόνυσον τεχνιτῶν (Aneziri 1994: 195-6, no. 4, ll. 3-6) |
ii. | Full name (transliterated) | to koinon ton en toi kata Kypron grammateioi peri ton Dionyson techniton |
i. | Date(s) | 142 - 88 BC |
i. | Name in other forms |
[τὸ κοινὸν τῶν ἐν τῶι κ]ατὰ Πάφον γραμματε<ί>ω<ι> π̣ερ[ὶ τὸν Διόνυσον καὶ Θεοὺς Ἐπιφανεῖς (?) τεχ]νιτ<ῶ>ν, to koinon ton en toi kata Paphon grammateioi peri ton Dionyson kai theous Epiphaneis techniton (Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1, ll. 3-4) οἱ περὶ τὸν Διόνυσον καὶ Θεοὺς Εὐεργέτας τεχνῖται, hoi peri ton Dionyson kai theous Euergetas technitai (Aneziri 1994: 197, no. 7, ll. 4-5; 197, no. 8, ll. 4-5; 197-8, no. 9, ll. 2-3) [τῶν τεχ]ν̣ιτῶν ὁ θίασος, ton techniton ho thiasos (Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 87, l. 4) |
ii. | Name elements |
iii. | Descriptive terms |
κοινόν, koinon θίασος, thiasos |
Note |
koinon: Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1, l. 3; Aneziri 1994: 195, no. 2, l. 4; Aneziri 1994: 195, no. 3, l. 1; Aneziri 1994: 195-6, no. 4, ll. 3-4; Aneziri 1994: 196, no. 5, ll. 2, 10; Aneziri 1994: 197, no. 8, l. 2 thiasos: Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 87, l. 4 |
i. | Source(s) |
Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 87 (l. iii BC) Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1 (142 BC) Aneziri 1994: 195, no. 2 (142-131/0 BC or 124/3-118 BC) Aneziri 1994: 195, no. 3 (142-116 BC) Aneziri 1994: 195-6, no. 4 (116-107/6 BC) Aneziri 1994: 196, no. 5 (142-107/6 BC) Aneziri 1994: 196-7, no. 6 (116-107/6 BC) Aneziri 1994: 197, no. 7 (105/4 BC) Aneziri 1994: 197, no. 8 (105-88 BC) Aneziri 1994: 197-8, no. 9 (ii/i BC) |
Note |
See also: Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1: Aneziri no. E3; Le Guen I no. 62; SEG 13: 586 Aneziri 1994: 195, no. 2: Aneziri no. E4; Le Guen I no. 63; SEG 13: 556; Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 79 Aneziri 1994: 195, no. 3: Aneziri no. E5; Le Guen I no. 64; Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 95 Aneziri 1994: 195-6, no. 4: Aneziri no. E7; Le Guen I no. 65; Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 83 Aneziri 1994: 196, no. 5: Aneziri no. E6; Le Guen I no. 66; ABSA 56 (1961) 5,5 Aneziri 1994: 196-7, no. 6: Aneziri no. E8; Le Guen I no. 67; ABSA 56 (1961) 35,95 Aneziri 1994: 197, no. 7: Aneziri no. E9; Le Guen I no. 68; ABSA 56 (1961) 36,98 Aneziri 1994: 197, no. 8: Aneziri no. E10; Le Guen I no. 69; ABSA 56 (1961) 37,99 Aneziri 1994: 197-8, no. 9: Aneziri no. E11; Le Guen I no. 70; ABSA 56 (1961) 37,100 |
Online Resources |
Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 87 and AGRW ID 20867 SEG 13: 586 Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 79 Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 95 Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 83 ABSA 56 (1961) 5,5 and AGRW ID 20581 ABSA 56 (1961) 35,95 and AGRW ID 20584 ABSA 56 (1961) 36,98 and AGRW ID 20589 ABSA 56 (1961) 37,99 and AGRW ID 20591 ABSA 56 (1961) 37,100 and AGRW ID 20593 |
i.a. | Source type(s) | Epigraphic source(s) |
i.b. | Document(s) typology & language/script |
Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 87: attests the honorific statues of Menedemos son of Zoilos from Aspendos, and his son Menedemos, set up by the association. Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1: attests the honorific statue of Theodoros (?), son of governor Seleukos, set up by the association. Aneziri 1994: 195, no. 2: attests the honorific statue of Olympias, wife of governor Theodoros, set up by the association. Aneziri 1994: 195, no. 3: attests the honorific statue of Nikagoras son of Eupolemos, a dithyrambic poet, who also seems to have served the Ptolemaic court, set up by the association. Aneziri 1994: 195-6, no. 4: attests the honorific statue of governor Helenos, set up by the association. Aneziri 1994: 196, no. 5: is an honorific decree passed by the association for Isidoros, a magistrate of the association; this honour probably concerned an annual festival commemorating Isidoros. Aneziri 1994: 196-7, no. 6: attests the honorific statue of Aristonike, wife of Aristokrates, a member of the association; the city of Paphos set up the statue. Aneziri 1994: 197, no. 7: attests the honorific statue of Kallippos, son of Kallippos, a member of the association; the city of Paphos set up the statue. Aneziri 1994: 197, no. 8: attests the honorific statue of Potamon, son of Aigyptos, a member of the association; the koinon of the Cypriots set up the statue. Aneziri 1994: 197-8, no. 9: attests honorific statues set up by a member of the association for his children. All texts are written in Greek. |
i.c. | Physical format(s) |
Mostly statue bases, except for one stele (Aneziri 1994: 196, no. 5). Aneziri 1994: 195-6, nos. 3 and 4 are inscribed on the same statue base. |
ii. | Source(s) provenance |
gymnasion in Salamis (Aneziri 1994: 195-6, no. 4). Sanctuary of Aphrodite in Paphos Vetus (Aneziri 1994: 196-8, nos. 5-9). |
iii. | Members | τεχνῖται, technitai |
iv. | Officials |
ἄρχοντες, archontes (Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1, l. 5; 196, no. 5, l. 7). Individual officials include: γραμματεύς, grammateus ("secretary", Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1, ll. 7-8); probably ταμίας, tamias ("treasurer", Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1, l. 7; 196, no. 5, l. 8); perhaps ἱερεύς, hiereus ("priest", Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1, l. 5). |
v. | Other staff | κιθαρωιδός, kitharoidos ("cithara player", Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1, l. 5); ποιητὴς σατύρων, poietes satyron ("Satyric playwright", Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1, l. 6); ποιητὴς τραγωιδιῶν, poietes tragoidion ("tragedian", Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1, ll. 6-7); ποιητὴς κωμωιδιῶν, poietes komoidion ("comic playwright", Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1, l. 8); συναγωνιστὴς τραγικός, synagonistes tragikos ("a player in tragedy", Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1, l. 7). |
ii. | Gender | Men |
Note | The recorded names of the technitai are all male names. | |
iii. | Age |
Adults Elders |
ii. | Meetings and events | ἡμέρα ἀσύμβολος, hemera asymbolos (Aneziri 1994: 196, no. 5, l. 9) is an annual festival founded in honour of Isidoros. This festival was funded by the association, and the members of the association do not seem to have had to pay contributions to it. |
iv. | Honours/Other activities |
The association took the initiative in setting up honorific statues in honour of Theodoros (?), son of governor Seleukos (Aneziri 1994: 194, no. 1), Olympias, wife of governor Theodoros (Aneziri 1994: 195, no. 2), Nikagoras son of Eupolemos, a dithyrambic poet, who also seems to have served the Ptolemaic court (Aneziri 1994: 195, no. 3), governor Helenos (Aneziri 1994: 195-6, no. 4), and Menedemos son of Zoilos from Aspendos and his son Menedemos. The association passed an honorific decree for Isidoros, a magistrate of the association (Aneziri 1994: 196, no. 5); the honour consisted of the award of a crown, the setting up of his portrait in the sanctuary of Aphrodite in Paphos Vetus, and the foundation of an annual festival in his honour. |
i. | Local interaction |
The association was deeply involved with the Ptolemaic government of the island, since it set up the honorific statues of the Ptolemaic governors/courtiers and their family members (Aneziri 1994: 194-6, nos. 1-4). It also seems that the association was in contact with the local administration of the Cypriots; Aneziri 1994: 196-7, nos. 6-8 demonstrate that the city of Paphos and the koinon of the Cypriots took the initiative in granting honours to the association's members. One of the honorands, Potamon son of Aigyptos (Aneziri 1994: 197, no. 8), not only belonged to the association, but also served as gymnasiarchos of Paphos and priest of Aphrodite. |
ii. | Interaction abroad |
Aneziri has argued that the association we are dealing with was probably a branch of the Dionysiac association of Egypt (Aneziri 1994: 184). As to Zoilos, father of Menedemos honoured by the association, it has been proposed that Zoilos may have been a military colonist at the Arsinoite nome or taken part in the garrison of Thera (Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 87). |
ii. | Poland concordance |
Poland Δ 35 (Aneziri 1994: 195, no. 2) Poland Δ 36 (Aneziri 1994: 197, no. 7) Poland Δ 37 (Aneziri 1994: 196-7, no. 6) Poland Δ 38 (Aneziri 1994: 197-8, no. 9) Poland Δ 39 (Aneziri 1994: 197, no. 8) |
iii. | Bibliography |
Aneziri, S. (1994), ‘Zwischen Musen und Hof: die dinonysischen Techniten auf Zypern’, ZPE 104: 179-98. Aneziri, A. (2003), Die Vereine der dionysischen Techniten im Kontext der hellenistischen Gesellschaft: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte, Organisation und Wirkung der hellenistischen Technitenvereine. Stuttgart. Le Guen, B. (2001), Les associations de technites dionysiaques à l’époque hellénistique. I. Corpus documentaire. Paris. |
i. | Private association | Certain |
Note | The association of the technitai of Dionysus is a well-known organisation. |