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PDFLast Updated on 15 Mar 2017
i. |
Geographical area |
Southern Italy with Sicily
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Region |
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Site |
i. |
Association with unknown name |
275 (?) - 100 (?) BC
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Descriptive terms |
ἐργαστήριον, ergasterion
Note |
ergasterion: SEG 30: 1175, ll. 2-3
i. |
Source(s) |
SEG 30: 1175 (m. iii BC)
Online Resources |
SEG 30: 1175
i.a. |
Source type(s) |
Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. |
Document(s) typology & language/script |
SEG 30: 1175 is a Greek defixio revealing the existence of a medical clinic composed by seventeen members.
iii. |
Members |
ἰατροί, iatroi (l. 8): Physicians. It is not clear whether the term iatroi indicates collectively all those (slaves, assistants, etc.) working in the entourage of a physician, as Plato suggests (Pl. Leg. 4.720a), or all were proper physicians.
ii. |
Gender |
Men Women
Note |
Men, but also women if we accept Dubois' reading of the name Δικαΐς (f.), Dikais instead of Δικάϊς (m.), Dikais.
iii. |
Age |
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Bibliography |
Dubois, L. (2002), Inscriptiones grecques dialectales de Grande Grèce, II, Colonies achéennes. Genève: 114-7. Eidinow, E. (2007), Oracles, Curses and Risks among the Greeks. Oxford: 433-4. Gigante, M. (1980), ‘Sulla defixio metapontina’, PP 35: 381-2. Lombardo, M. (1995), ‘Professione medica e magia a Metaponto’, Studi di Antichità 8.2: 95-106. Lo Porto, F.G. (1980), ‘Medici pitagorici in una defixio greca da Metaponto’, PP 35: 282-8. Samana, E. (2003), Les médecins dans le mond grec. Sources épigraphiques sur la naissance d'un corps médical. Genève: no. 506.
i. |
Private association |
Note |
This list of seventeen members all relating to a single ergasterion and considered by the curser as a group might suggest the presence of a private professional association. However, apart from this inscription, no firm evidence suggests that this group was considered as an association both by the members of the ergasterion themselves and by others.