i. | Geographical area | Southern Italy with Sicily |
ii. | Region | Campania |
iii. | Site | Pozzuoli (anc. Puteoli) |
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Last Updated on 16 Mar 2017
CAPInv. 1080: Geremellenses
i. | Full name (original language) | Geremellenses (CIL X 1578, l. 4; Camodeca 2006: 272 n. 12) |
ii. | Full name (transliterated) | Geremellenses |
i. | Date(s) | 201 - 250 AD |
ii. | Name elements |
i. | Source(s) |
CIL X 1578 (AD 201-250) Camodeca 2006: 272 n. 12 (?) |
Note | ILS 4290; EDR102398 (= CIL X 1578) | |
Online Resources | TM 254154and EDR102398 (= CIL X 1578) | |
i.a. | Source type(s) | Epigraphic source(s) |
i.b. | Document(s) typology & language/script |
The inscriptions are in Latin. CIL X 1578 refers that the sacerdotes and iucophori, stimulated by the order of Iuppiter Optimus Maximus Heliopolitanus, erected at their own expense a base to Aurelius Theodorus, son of the priest and curator tempuli Geremellensium, who had donated a torquis and a velum to the shrine. The base was provided by Acilius Secundus Trotomias. Camodeca 2006: 272 n. 12 is a very fragmentary inscription mentioning the word Geremel[---] and a peregrinus from Byblus. |
i.c. | Physical format(s) | CIL X 1578 is a rectangular marble base. |
ii. | Source(s) provenance | CIL X 1578 and Camodeca 2006: 272 n. 12 were found in Pozzuoli, the exact findspot is unknown. |
i. | Archaeological remains | Archaeological remains of different buildings and monuments related to the cult of Iuppiter Heliopolitanus were found in and outside the city of Pozzuoli, see Camodeca 2006: 272-3. |
ii. | References to buildings/objects |
tempulum Geremellensium (CIL X 1578, l. 4) torquis (CIL X 1578, ll. 5-6) velum (CIL X 1578, l. 6) |
ii. | Leadership |
Maybe a curator? See the curator tempuli Geremellensium, son of a sacerdos, honored in CIL X 1578, l. 3. |
iii. | Members | Referred to as Geremellenses (CIL X 1578, l. 4; Camodeca 2006: 272 n. 12). |
iv. | Officials |
sacerdotes (CIL X 1578). iucophori (CIL X 1578, l. 7), the 'yoke-bearers', whose position seems subordinate to that of the sacerdotes, (see Camodeca 2006: 274.) Presumably Acilius Secundus Trotomias, who provided the base CIL X 1578 (ll. 8-9), was an official as well. |
i. | Treasury/Funds | The attested office of curator (CIL X 1578, l.3) implies, that the association had a treasury and/or administered funds. |
ii. | Realty | The tempulum Geremellensium was almost certainly property of the association. |
iii. | Income | See the donation of a torquis and a velum to the shrine made by Aurelius Theodorus, curator tempuli Geremellensium (CIL X 1578, ll. 5-6). |
ii. | Gender | Men |
Note | Male members: CIL X 1578; Camodeca 2006: 272 n. 12. | |
iii. | Age | Adults |
Note | The curator Aurelius Theodorus, Acilius Secundus Trotomias and the sacerdotes were surely adults (CIL X 1578). | |
iv. | Status | The Geremellenses were most probable citizens from a semitic place/city residing in Puteoli. The fragmentary inscription edited by Camodeca 2006: 272 n. 12 mentions a foreigner from Byblus. For the status of Acilius Secundus and Aurelius Theodorus see Demma 2007: 154 and 159. |
v. | Relations | The curator Aurelius Theodorus was son of a priest of the association (CIL X 1578). |
iii. | Worship | The tempulum Geremellensium (CIL X 1578) was primarly intended for cultic activities practiced by the association. |
Deities worshipped | Iuppiter Optimus Maximus Heliopolitanus | |
iv. | Honours/Other activities | The sacerdotes and iucophori of the association, in consequence of a divine admonition (ex iusso I.O.M. Heliopolitani), honored their curator tempuli Aurelius Theodorus (CIL X 1578). |
i. | Comments |
The tempulum Geremellensium (CIL X 1578) was most probably intended inter alia for collegial meetings, banquets, commemorative celebrations organized by the association (see Castagnetti 2007: 230). Other Puteolan inscriptions referring to the same cult, but without mention of the association are: Camodeca 2006: 273 = EDR100487 (AD 130-180); AE 1901: 169 (AD 101-200); EphEp 8: 359 (AD 201-250); (see Tran Tam Tinh 1972: 147-8.) |
iii. | Bibliography |
Camodeca, G. (2006), ‘Comunità di peregrini a Puteoli nei primi due secoli dell'impero’, in M.G. Angeli Bertinelli, and A. Donati (eds.), Le vie della storia. Migrazioni di popoli, viaggi di individui, circolazioni di idee nel Mediterraneo antico, Atti del II Incontro Internazionale di Storia Antica, Genova, 6-8 ottobre 2004, Roma: 269-87. Castagnetti, S. (2007), ‘I collegia della Campania’, in E. Lo Cascio, and G.D. Merola (eds.), Forme di aggregazione nel mondo romano, Bari: 223-42. Demma, F. (2007), Monumenti pubblici di Puteoli. Per un'archeologia dell'architettura. Roma. Tran Tam Tinh, V. (1972), Le culte des divinités orientales en Campanie. Leiden. Verboven, K. (2011), ‘Resident Aliens and Translocal Merchant Collegia in the Roman Empire’, in O. Hekster, and T. Kaizer (eds.), Frontiers in the Roman World. Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire, Durham, 16-19 april 2009, Leiden: 335-48. |
i. | Private association | Certain |
Note | See Castagnetti 2007: 230; Verboven 2011: 345. |