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Last Updated on 16 Mar 2017

Author: Loredana Cappelletti

CAPInv. 1085: corpus dendrophorum


i. Geographical area Southern Italy with Sicily
ii. Region Campania
iii. Site Pozzuoli (anc. Puteoli)


i. Full name (original language) corpus dendrophorum (CIL X 1786, l. 17)
ii. Full name (transliterated) corpus dendrophorum


i. Date(s) 196 - 250 AD


i. Name in other forms dendrophori (CIL X 1786, l. 11)
dendroforus (CIL X 1790, ll. 3-4)
ii. Name elements
Cultic:dendrophori: the tree-bearers, i.e. the bearers of the sacred pine of Attis in the procession of the March festival.
Professional:dendrophori: woodcutters, woodsellers, etc. see e.g. Diosono 2007: 65-7.
iii. Descriptive terms corpus, corpus
Note corpus: CIL X 1786, l. 17


i. Source(s) CIL X 1786 (AD 196)
CIL X 1790 (AD 201-250)
Note See also:
CIL X 1790: ILS 6332, EDR112163
Online Resources TM 536101
TM 256138 and EDR112163
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Both inscriptions are written in Latin.
CIL X 1786 mentions a statue erected for M. Octavius Agatha, patronus of the Puteolan colony, by the dendrophori and their consultation of the decuriones (l. 3) about an inscription appropriate to the honorand (inscriptionem quae ad honorem talis viri pertineat, ll. 18-19) to attach to the statue. CIL X 1790 is the funerary inscription of Q. Aemilius Helpidephorus, described as dendroforus, set up by his wife.
i.c. Physical format(s) CIL X 1786 marble slab. CIL X 1790 is a rectangular marble slab.
ii. Source(s) provenance CIL X 1786 from Pozzuoli, found in Naples, embedded in a wall of the church of S. Ligorio/S. Gregorio Armeno. CIL X 1790 was found in Pozzuoli, the exact find spot is unknown.


iii. Members Referred to as dendrophori/dendrofori (CIL X 1786, l. 11; CIL X 1790, ll. 3-4).
viii. Obligations The erection of a statue (CIL X 1786) may imply that the dendrophori either collected money ad hoc or each member had to pay regularly some sum, which went into the (unattested) treasury.


i. Treasury/Funds The erection of a statue (CIL X 1786) may imply that the association had its own funds/treasury.


ii. Gender Men
Note Male member in CIL X 1790.
iii. Age Adults
Note Adult member in CIL X 1790.
iv. Status Q. Aemilius Helpidephorus (CIL X 1790) was a foreign freedman, who besides being a dendroforus was an Augustalis dupliciarius, i.e. member of the public association of the Augustales and even became a decurion, i.d. member of the local senate, see Peterson 1919: 126-7; D'Arms 1974: 122.


iv. Honours/Other activities The dendrophori honoured with a statue and a honorific inscription M. Octavius Agatha, who was patronus coloniae (CIL X 1786).


i. Local interaction The dendrophori honoured with a statue and a honorific inscription a member of the local élite, the patronus coloniae M. Octavius Agatha. They consulted the local senate (CIL X 1786).


i. Comments In view of the late date of CIL X 1790, the association may well have been involved in the local fire brigade, see Royden 1988: 206.
iii. Bibliography D'Arms, J.H. (1974), ‘Puteoli in the Second Century of the Roman Empire: A Social and Economic Study’, JRS 64: 104-24.
Diosono, F. (2007), Collegia: le associazioni professionali nel mondo romano. Roma.
Peterson, R.M. (1919), The cults of Campania. Rome.
Roller, L.E. (1999), In Search of God the Mother: the Cult of Anatolian Cybele. Berkeley.
Royden, H.L. (1988), The magistrates of the Roman professional collegia in Italy from the first to the third century A.D. Pisa.
Waltzing, J.P. (1895-1900), Étude historique sur les corporations professionelles chez les Romains depuis les origines jusqu'à la chute de l'Empire d'Occident. I-IV vols. Louvain.


i. Private association Certain
Note See Waltzing 1895: vol. I, 240-55.