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PDFLast Updated on 09 Mar 2017
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Geographical area |
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Region |
Euxine Coast
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Site |
i. |
Association with unknown name |
i. |
Source(s) |
I.Tomis 98 (f. iii AD)
Note |
See also: RICIS 618/1007
Online Resources |
I.Tomis 98 and AGRW ID 14635
i.a. |
Source type(s) |
Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. |
Document(s) typology & language/script |
Fragmentary Greek honorary inscription of the [ἱ]εροναῦται, [h]ieronautai (see XII.i: Comments), for the [πατὴρ π]αστοφόρω[ν], [pater p]astophoro[n], and his wife.
i.c. |
Physical format(s) |
Fragment of the left middle part of a marble stele.
ii. |
Source(s) provenance |
ii. |
Leadership |
[Aris]tarchos [π]ροστάτης, [p]rostates (cf. ll. 7-8: [π]ροστατοῦντος [ - - ], with the discussion below, XII.i: Comments).
iii. |
Members |
Called ἱεροναῦται, hieronautai (ll. 4-5) (see XII.i: Comments).
iv. |
Officials |
An anonymous [pater p]astophoro[n] (l. 3), who received the honours of the hieronautai.
ii. |
Gender |
Men Women
Note |
Possibly also women, for the titulus honorarius is for the [πατὴρ π]αστοφόρω[ν], [pater p]astophoro[n], and his wife. Hence, she also might have been a member of the association.
iii. |
Age |
iv. |
Honours/Other activities |
Honours for one of the members and his wife.
i. |
Comments |
The restoration of l. 7, and therefore the descriptive term used, is not certain: either [π]ροστατοῦντος [τοῦ κοινοῦ], [p]rostantountos [tou koinou] (I.Timos 98, following L. Vidman) or [τοῦ θιάσου], [tou thiasou] (alternative restoration suggested by the same L. Vidman). [τῆς συνόδου], [tes synodou], might be also possible (Avram).
L. Bricault, RICIS, under no. 618/1007, remarks: “c’est la seule mention de ἱεροναῦται dans les cultes isiaques; il faut peut-être associer les membres de ce collège aux fêtes maritimes telles que le Navigium Isidis”. He refers to RICIS 114/0703 (Byzantion) and Vidman 1970: 76-87. For the pastophoroi he refers to RICIS 501/0174 (Rome).
iii. |
Bibliography |
Chiekova, D. (2008), Cultes et vie religieuse des cités grecques du Pont Gauche (VIIe-Ier siècles avant J.-C.). Bern: 255. Tacheva-Hitova, M. (1983), Eastern Cults in Moesia Inferior and Thracia (5th Century B.C.-4th Century A.D.). Leiden: 13-4 no. I.18. Vidman, L. (1969), Sylloge inscriptionum religionis Isiacae et Sarapiacae. Berlin: no. 709. Vidman, L. (1970), Isis und Sarapis bei den Griechen und Römern. Epigraphische Studien zur Verbreitung und zu den Trägern des ägyptischen Kultes. Berlin: 82-3 with n. 65.
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Private association |
Note |
The terminology employed points to a private association.