i. | Geographical area | Aegean Islands |
ii. | Region | Lesbos |
iii. | Site | Methymna |
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Last Updated on 03 Jul 2019
CAPInv. 126: [Sa]rapiasta[i]
i. | Full name (original language) | [Σα]ραπιαστα[ὶ] (IG XII.2 511 a, l. 1) |
ii. | Full name (transliterated) | [Sa]rapiasta[i] |
i. | Date(s) | ii - i BC |
ii. | Name elements |
iii. | Descriptive terms | σπείρα, speira ? | ||
Note |
speira: IG XII.2 511 a, l. 3 σπείρα, speira (IG XII.2 511 a, l. 3) as restored by Wilhelm 1900: 53, no. 14; followed by Von Gaertringen 1939 in IG XII Suppl. p. 32 (cf. RICIS 205/0401). Note, however, the objections by Poland (1929: 1587) and Edson (1948: 156, 204). Both think it more likely that we should read a word in the accusative after εἰσενέγκαντες, eisenengantes (line 2) and not the dative τ[ῇ σ]πείρᾳ, t[ei s]peirai suggested by Wilhelm. Poland's alternative suggestion εἰσενέγκαντες τ[ὰ ἱε]ρά, eisenengantes t[a hie]ra (Poland 1929: 1587; cf. Fraser 1960: 51, no. 4) is not compatible with the letters ΠΕΙΡΑ, PEIRA at the start of line 3 (cf. Hodot 1976: 46; Edson 1984: 204). Edson tentatively put forward a reading of εἰσενέγκαντες τ[ὰ πέ]πειρα, eisenengantes t[a pe]peira or π[έ]πειρα, p[e]peira, meaning 'ripe fruits' (Edson 1984: 156). The word σύνοδος, synodos appears in the text (IG XII.2 511 a, l. 3), but it seems used here in the meaning of 'gathering' (see, e.g., Labarre 1996: 59; RICIS 205/0401) rather than 'association' (Buchholz 1975: 53). |
i. | Source(s) | IG XII.2 511 with IG XII Suppl. p. 32 (a. 200 BC: Brun 1991: 105, n. 26) |
Note |
Other editions of IG XII.2 511 a, ll. 1-6: Fraser 1960: 51, no. 4 SIRIS 262 RICIS 205/0401 |
Online Resources | IG XII.2 511 (old ed.) | |
i.a. | Source type(s) | Epigraphic source(s) |
i.b. | Document(s) typology & language/script | List in Greek of contributors to festival. |
i.c. | Physical format(s) | Fragment of a rectangular slab of marble, inscribed on the front (IG XII.2 511 a) and on the sides (b and c); the letters on the sides are smaller than those on the front. |
ii. | Source(s) provenance | Castle in Molyvos (Paton 1899 in IG XII.2 511); moved to the museum in Mytilene, Inv. 1036 (Von Gaertringen 1939 in IG XII Suppl. p. 32 and Charitonidis, Ἐπιγραφαί: p. 82). |
i. | Number | The list of contributors contains at least 41 names (cf. Labarre 1996: 59). |
ii. | Gender | Men |
Note | All names preserved on the list of contributing Sarapiastai are names of men. | |
iv. | Status |
Ktesiphon son of Antikrates, named in the list of contributors (IG XII.2 511 b, ll. 14-15), might be the same as the eponymous official of the phyle Aiolis in Methymna: IG XII.2 505, l. 1 (cf. Buchholz 1975: 157 (no. 533) and 187, H 135). The name and patronymic of the person listed in IG XII.2 511 c, ll. 8-9 (Teres son of Sadalas) have been identified as Thracian (Odrysian) (Wilhelm 1900: 53, no. 14; Von Gaertringen 1939 in IG XII Suppl. p. 32; Buchholz 1975: 192, H 189). |
ii. | Meetings and events |
σύνοδος, synodos (IG XII.2 511 a, l. 3) -- The word σύνοδος, synodos appears in the text (IG XII.2 511 a, l. 3), but it seems used here in the meaning of 'gathering' (see, e.g., Labarre 1996: 59; RICIS 205/0401) rather than 'association' (Buchholz 1975: 53). |
iii. | Worship | The listed Sarapiastai contributed to the σύνοδος (synodos) of the great Sarapieia, so that sacrifices (θυσίαι, thysiai) would be performed each year in perpetuity. These sacrifices were performed at a Nile festival (Νει[λῴ]α, Nei[loi]a), if this widely accepted restoration and interpretation of the dative plural noun in IG XII.2 511 a, ll. 4-5 is correct (Wilhelm 1900: 53, no. 14; followed by Von Gaertringen 1939 in IG XII Suppl. p. 32; Fraser 1960: 51, no. 4; SIRIS 262; RICIS 205/0401. Alternative restorations in Rusch 1906: 68 and Salaç 1915: 51; cf. SIRIS 262. A more likely interpretation might be that sacrifices were offered to Nile gods). |
Deities worshipped |
Sarapis Nile gods ? |
i. | Comments | While Edson places IG XII.2 511 in e. i AD (Edson 1948: 156; cf. Shields 1917: 75), the text is most commonly dated to the Hellenistic or late Hellenistic period (Fraser 1960: 26, no. 2; SIRIS 262; RICIS 205/0401), more specifically after 200 BC (Pistorius 1913: 159-60; Brun 1991: 105, no. 26), in ii BC or perhaps i BC (Rusch 1906: 68; cf. Buchholz 1975: 53, no. 123). |
ii. | Poland concordance | Poland B *157 (SIRIS 262 = RICIS 205/0401) |
iii. | Bibliography |
Brun, P. (1991), ‘Les Lagides à Lesbos: essai de chronologie’, ZPE 85: 99-113. Buchholz, H.-G. (1975), Methymna: archäologische Beiträge zur Topographie und Geschichte von Nordlesbos. Mainz. Edson, C. (1948), ‘Cults of Thessalonica (Macedonica III)’, HThr 41.3: 153-204. Fraser, P.M. (1960), ‘Two studies on the cult of Sarapis in the Hellenistic world’, OAth 3: 1-54. Hodot, R. (1976), ‘Notes critiques sur le corpus épigraphique de Lesbos’, Études d'Archéologie Classique 5: 17-81. Labarre, G. (1996), Les cités de Lesbos aux époques hellénistique et impériale. Paris. Pistorius, H. (1913), Beiträge zur Geschichte von Lesbos im vierten Jahrhundert v. Chr.. Bonn. Poland, F. (1929), ‘Speira’, RE2 3.2: 1586-92. Rusch, A. (1906), De Serapide et Iside in Graecia cultis (Dissertation. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Berlin). Salaç, A. (1915), Isis, Sarapis a božstva sdružená. Prague. Shields, E.L. (1917), The cults of Lesbos. (Dissertation. Johns Hopkins University). Wilhelm, A. (1900), ‘Nachlese zu griechischen Inschriften’, JÖAI 3: 40-62. |
i. | Private association | Probable |
Note | The use of a theophoric name (Sarapiastai, partly restored), together with the intended recurrence (each year) and durability (in perpetuity) of the sacrifices, makes it likely that the Sarapiastai formed a private association. If indeed the group is referred to as a speira, this would add further support. The restorations of the inscription, however, are not entirely satisfactory. |