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Last Updated on 04 Jan 2019

Author: Matt Gibbs & Philip F. Venticinque

CAPInv. 1277: U-EGY-031


i. Geographical area Egypt
ii. Nome Arsinoites (00)
iii. Site Tebtynis


i. Association with unknown name U-EGY-031


i. Date(s) e. i AD


i. Source(s) P.Mich. V 247 (early I AD)
Online Resources P.Mich. V 247 = TM 25173
i.a. Source type(s) Papyrological source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Membership list in Greek
i.c. Physical format(s) papyrus (16.5cm x 28.5cm)


ii. Leadership Phemnasis, son of Psonseus, ἡγούμενος hegoumenos, l. 1


i. Number 16
ii. Gender Men
Note All recorded names are male names.
iii. Age Adults
Note range from 22-52
v. Relations 4 families: Papontos, Kronion, Miusis, Rhomais the sons of Pabelles; Harmiusis and Onnophris the sons of Onnophris; Marres and Onnophris the sons of Marres; Hamaeis and Tepheros the sons of Paeus
vi. Proper names and physical features Phemnasis son of Psonseus, the hegoumenos, 36 years old; scar on right side of his neck (l.1); Phemnasis son of Orseus grandson(?) of Sbebis, 35 years old, scar on right shin (l.2); Sigeris son of Petsiris, 31 years old, scar on left calf (l.3); Papontos son of Pabelles, 39 years old, mole on left eyebrow (l.4); Neilos son of Labesis, 22 years old, scar on right forearm (l.5); Harmiusis son of Onnophris, 42 years old, scar on left forearm (l.6); Marres son of Marres; Onnophris son of Marres, 30 years old, scar on right side of forehead (l.7); Onnophris, son of Marres, 36 years old, scar on his left calf (;.8); Kronion son of Pabelles, 36 years old, scar on right wrist (l.9); Onnophris son of Onnophris, grandson of Lamaitis, 31 years old, scar on third finger of left hand (l.10); Miusis son of Pabelles, 39 years old, scar on left calf (l.11); Labesis son of Apollonios, 52 years old, scar on left shin (l.12); Herakles neoteros son of Herodes, 33 years old, scar on right side of forehead (l.13); Hamaeis son of Paeus, 23 years old, scar on left forearm (l.14); Rhomais son of Pabelles, 26 years old, scar on right shin (l.15); Tephersos son of Paeus, 26 years old, scar in the middle of his forehead (l.16)


i. Comments Membership list with names, ages, identifying marks/scars; probably intended to be appended to an association charter. Significant space remains on the papyrus where the charter was likely intended to be copied.


i. Private association Certain
Note The typology of text and terminology employed points to a priviate association.