i. | Geographical area | Egypt |
ii. | Nome | Arsinoites (00) |
iii. | Site | Tebtynis |
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Last Updated on 04 Jan 2019
CAPInv. 1277: U-EGY-031
i. | Association with unknown name | U-EGY-031 |
i. | Date(s) | e. i AD |
i. | Source(s) | P.Mich. V 247 (early I AD) |
Online Resources | P.Mich. V 247 = TM 25173 | |
i.a. | Source type(s) | Papyrological source(s) |
i.b. | Document(s) typology & language/script | Membership list in Greek |
i.c. | Physical format(s) | papyrus (16.5cm x 28.5cm) |
ii. | Leadership | Phemnasis, son of Psonseus, ἡγούμενος hegoumenos, l. 1 |
i. | Number | 16 |
ii. | Gender | Men |
Note | All recorded names are male names. | |
iii. | Age | Adults |
Note | range from 22-52 | |
v. | Relations | 4 families: Papontos, Kronion, Miusis, Rhomais the sons of Pabelles; Harmiusis and Onnophris the sons of Onnophris; Marres and Onnophris the sons of Marres; Hamaeis and Tepheros the sons of Paeus |
vi. | Proper names and physical features | Phemnasis son of Psonseus, the hegoumenos, 36 years old; scar on right side of his neck (l.1); Phemnasis son of Orseus grandson(?) of Sbebis, 35 years old, scar on right shin (l.2); Sigeris son of Petsiris, 31 years old, scar on left calf (l.3); Papontos son of Pabelles, 39 years old, mole on left eyebrow (l.4); Neilos son of Labesis, 22 years old, scar on right forearm (l.5); Harmiusis son of Onnophris, 42 years old, scar on left forearm (l.6); Marres son of Marres; Onnophris son of Marres, 30 years old, scar on right side of forehead (l.7); Onnophris, son of Marres, 36 years old, scar on his left calf (;.8); Kronion son of Pabelles, 36 years old, scar on right wrist (l.9); Onnophris son of Onnophris, grandson of Lamaitis, 31 years old, scar on third finger of left hand (l.10); Miusis son of Pabelles, 39 years old, scar on left calf (l.11); Labesis son of Apollonios, 52 years old, scar on left shin (l.12); Herakles neoteros son of Herodes, 33 years old, scar on right side of forehead (l.13); Hamaeis son of Paeus, 23 years old, scar on left forearm (l.14); Rhomais son of Pabelles, 26 years old, scar on right shin (l.15); Tephersos son of Paeus, 26 years old, scar in the middle of his forehead (l.16) |
i. | Comments | Membership list with names, ages, identifying marks/scars; probably intended to be appended to an association charter. Significant space remains on the papyrus where the charter was likely intended to be copied. |
i. | Private association | Certain |
Note | The typology of text and terminology employed points to a priviate association. |