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Last Updated on 14 Mar 2017

Author: Alexandru Avram

CAPInv. 1321: thiaseitai (l. thiasitai)


i. Geographical area Black Sea Region
ii. Region North coast of the Black Sea
iii. Site Tanais


i. Full name (original language) θιασεῖται, l. θιασῖται (SEG 58: 782-3)
ii. Full name (transliterated) thiaseitai (l. thiasitai)


i. Date(s) f. ii BC


i. Source(s) SEG 58: 782 (f. ii BC).
SEG 58: 783 (f. ii BC).
SEG 58: 784 (f. ii BC).
Note Other publications:
SEG 58: 784 = SEG 45: 1020 and 1021
Online Resources SEG 45: 1020
SEG 45:1021
AGRW ID 9016 (SEG 58: 782)
AGRW ID 9018 (SEG 58: 783)
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script All the documents are in Greek.
SEG 58: 782: fragmentary honorary inscription by the [θι]ασεῖτ[αι], [thi]aseit[ai].
SEG 58: 783: fragmentary dedication by the θιασῖται, thiasitai.
SEG 45: 1020-1021 = 58, 784: fragmentary honorific decree, possibly by the [θιασ(ε)ῖται], [thias(e)itai] (or by the [δῆμος], [demos], so SEG 45: 1020).
i.c. Physical format(s) SEG 58: 782: limestone block, broken on all sides.
SEG 58: 783: two joining fragments of a limestone block, broken at the top, right and bottom.
SEG 58: 784: three joining fragments of a limestone base.
ii. Source(s) provenance Tanais


ii. Leadership Possibly one ἱερεύς, hiereus (if the restoration in SEG 58: 782, l. 1 [- - θι]ασεῖτ[αι οἱ περὶ ἱερέα - - ], [ - - thi]aseit[ai hoi peri hierea - - ], is reliable).
iv. Officials One [πατὴρ συ]νόδο[υ], [pater sy]nodo[u] (SEG 58: 782, l. 2).
One φιλά[γαθος], phila[gathos] (SEG 58: 782, l. 3).
One [νε]ωκόρ[ος][ne]okor[os] (SEG 58: 782, l. 4).


i. Number Four names with broken patronymics are preserved in SEG 58: 783. One could add a remain from the patronymic of the rogator of the supposed decree of the association (SEG 58: 784).
ii. Gender Men
Note The attested names are male names.
iii. Age Adults
iv. Status A [ἑλλη]νάρχ[ης][helle]narch[es] (civic official) is mentioned in a lacunary context in SEG 58: 783, ll. 1-2.


i. Comments A.I. Ivanchik argues that the dedication was made to the River God Tanais and that the name of the city was Emporion rather than Tanais (cf. CIRB 1237, l. 14, with Alexander Polyhistor FGrH 273 F 36). But Τανάεϊ Tanaei (SEG 58: 783, l. 6) is not certainly the dative of the deity addressed in the dedication; in this fragmentary context we also could expect [ἐν] Τανάεϊ, [en] Tanaei.
iii. Bibliography Ivanchik, A.I. (2008), ‘Tri nadpisi fiasov ellinisticheskogo vremeni iz Tanaisa (Novye dannye o greko-iranskom zvaimodejstvii v Tanaise dopolemonovoj epokhi) [Three Inscriptions of the Hellenistic Period of Thiasoi from Tanais. New Data on Greek-Iranian Relationship in Tanais before Polemo’s Time]’, VDI 2: 57-72.
Ivantchik, A.I. (2008), ‘Greeks and Iranians in the Cimmerian Bosporus in the Second/First Century BC: New Epigraphic Data from Tanais’, in S.M.R. Darbandi and A. Zournatzi (eds.), 1st International Conference Ancient Greece and Ancient Iran, Athens, 11-13 November 2006. Athens: 93-107.
Jajlenko, V.P. (2010), Tysjacheletnij Bosporskij Rejkh [A Thousand Year Bosporan Reich (sic)]. Moscow: 597-603.
Zavojkina, N.V. (2012), Bosporskie fiasy: mezhdu polisom i monarkhiej [Bosporan Thiasoi: Between Polis and Monarchy]. Moscow: 105.


i. Private association Certain
Note The terminology employed points to a private association.