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Author: Vincent Gabrielsen

CAPInv. 1614: Hermaistai hoi en Kamiroi


i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Rhodes
iii. Site Kamiros


i. Full name (original language) Ἑρμαισταί οἱ ἐν Καμίρωι (Tit.Cam. 84, l. 12)
ii. Full name (transliterated) Hermaistai hoi en Kamiroi


i. Date(s) a. 167 BC


ii. Name elements
Theophoric:From the name of the god Hermes (Doric Hermas), whose cult is well attested in Rhodes: D. Moreli I culti in Rodi. SCO 8 (Pisa, 1959) 44-5, 133-35, with 62 for Hermes connection to mysteries, cf. also H. van Gelder, Geschichte der Alten Rhodier, The Hague, 1900, 342, and Poland 1909, 224 n. 2.
Topographical:The element οἱ ἐν Καμίρωι, hoi en Kamiroi (those in Kamiros), specifies the place at which the association was based and is paralleled by other instances (e.g. Ἀσκλαπιασταί οἱ ἐν Καμίρωι, Asklapiastai hoi en Kamiroi), Tit.Cam. 84, l. 10). One of the purposes it served was to distinguish between associations with the same core element (here, Hermaistai) in their name. See, e.g. Tit.Cam. 159a, l. 5: Ἑρμαισ̣τᾶν τῶν ἐν τῶι ἄστει κ̣οιν[ὸν], Hermaistan toi en toi asty koin[on], in which asty refers to the capital city of Rhodos.


i. Source(s) Tit.Cam. 84, l. 12.
Online Resources Tit.Cam. 12
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)


iii. Members The association of Hermaistai hoi en Kamiroi is one among several bodies which honour a Kamiran, Aristombrotidas Aristombrotida. He may or may not have been a member.


iv. Status Aristombrotidas Aristombrotida, who is honoured by the association, is known as a very prominent person in the public and religious life of Kamiros (LGPN I, s.v. no. 12). However, his membership of the association, even though possible, cannot be ascertained.


iii. Worship The theophoric element of the association's name indicates that the membership was devoted to the worship of Hermes
Deities worshipped Hermes
iv. Honours/Other activities The association honoured with a gold wreath Aristombrotidas Aristombrotida, who had served as priest of Athana Polias and Zeus Polieus and had held the office of damiourgos in Kamiros.


i. Local interaction The association interacted locally in two ways:
(i) by awarding honours to a high-standing person in Kamiros, the priest of Athana Polias and Zeus Polieus and the holder of the office of damiourgos;
and (ii) by doing so jointly with (a) the family of the person honoured, (b) the citizens of Kamiros, and (c) four other private bodies: the Ἀσκλαπιασταί οἱ ἐν Καμίρωι (Asklapiastai hoi en Kamiroi), the Σαραπιασταί οἱ ἐν Καμίρωι (Sarapiastai hoi en Kamiroi), the Κουραισταί οἱ ἐν Κυτήλωι (Kouriastai hoi en Kyteloi), and the Τρίκτοινοι οἱ ἐν Λέλωι (Triktoinoi hoi en Leloi).


i. Private association Certain
Note In view of the theophoric element in the name, this association must be regarded with certainty as a private one.