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Last Updated on 14 Jan 2019

Author: Cassandre Hartenstein

CAPInv. 1690: The association of...


i. Geographical area Egypt
ii. Nome Arsinoites (00)


i. Full name (original language) ẖny.t ... (P. Assoc. pp. 82-91, l. 3)
ii. Full name (transliterated) The association of...


i. Date(s) 137 BC


iii. Descriptive terms ẖny.t
Note ẖny.t: l. 3. The word ‘association’ is transliterated sn.t in both edition of the papyrus, but this reading was rejected by De Cenival 2006.
ʿ.wy: ll. 5, 10, 17, 18


i. Source(s) P. Assoc. pp. 82-91 = P. Prague 1 (18 day of the month of Choiak of the 33th year of Ptolemy VIII = 12 May 137 BC).
Note Other edition: P.Prag.
Online Resources TM 2928
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script This text is a copy of Demotic rules of an association (the name of which is unknown). On the left of the rules are an account and a list of members.
i.c. Physical format(s) Papyrus, 47 x 30 cm.
ii. Source(s) provenance The papyrus was found in Tebtynis.


ii. Leadership The association had at its head a "general" (l. 6 mr mšʿ). The mr mšʿ will have to bring wine and beer to the association (l. 6 mtw pȝ mr mšʿ īn n⸗n ỉrp ḥnk "the "general" will bring wine or beer").
iii. Members The members are called "those from the association", l. 3 (nȝy⸗w n tȝ ẖny.t). They are also called "those from the house", l. 5, 10, 17, 18 (nȝy⸗w n pȝ ʿ.wy).
iv. Officials The association was managed by a representative, the rṯ and a person in charge of the deliveries for the offerings (l. 10 pȝ rmṯ n-ỉm⸗n ỉw⸗f fy). The rṯ can seize goods of a member who did not pay his fee (l. 8-9 pȝ [ rmt n-ỉm⸗n nty ỉw bn ỉw]⸗f mḥ nȝy⸗f ḥḏ.w ỉȝw.t nȝy⸗f ḥḏ.w n mnḥ.w r ḏr.t pȝ rt pȝ [ʿ.wy] ẖr ỉbd nb r ẖ.t pȝ nty [sẖ ḥry][r pȝ rt pȝ]ʿ.wy [r šm r pȝy⸗f ʿ.wy ỉw⸗f ỉny] ỉwȝ.t n nȝ ḥḏ.w rn.w [r bnr] mtw⸗f "The one of us who will not give his function's fee and his contribution as a young member, into the hands of the representative every month, in accordance with what is written above, the representative of the association will go to his house to seize the guarantee of the amounts". The rṯ will be chosen and if he refuses the charge, he will have to pay a fine of 50 debt (l. 10).
vii. Judicial system The association had its own judicial system. The members had to bring their complaints to this court if they had troubles, and not to the official courts of justice (l. 17-18).
viii. Obligations The members had to pay a monthly fee (the amount is lost), l. 8.


ii. Gender Men
Note All the members cited in the left text of the papyrus are men.
vi. Proper names and physical features At the end of the rules:
-Pȝ-dỉ-Ḥr-pȝ-šr-n-Ỉs.t (Petearpsenesis)
-Smȝ-tȝ.wy sȝ Mȝ-Rʿ (Semtheus son of Marres)
-Kmn ...
-Nȝ-nḫt-Wsỉr sȝ n Pȝ-dỉ-Wsỉr-Ḥʿpy (Nechtosiris son of Petosorapis)
-Wnn-nfr sȝ n Smȝ-tȝ.wy (Onnophris son of Semtheus)
-Wnn-nfr sȝ n Ḥr (Onnophris son of Horos)
-Ḥr-sȝ-Ỉs.t sȝ n Ḥtr (Harsiesis son of Hatres)
-Pȝ-ḥtr sȝ n Ḥr (Phatres son of Horos)
-Pȝ-mr-wr sȝ n Mȝʿ-Rʿ (Pmneuis son of Marres)
-Ḥr-ḫb sȝ n Pȝ-dỉ-Sbk (Hareckbis son of Petesouchos)
-Pȝ-lw sȝ n Ḥtr (Pelilis son of hatres)
-Hry⸗w sȝ n Ḥtr (Herieus son of Hatres)

People listed in the account:
-Ns-... (sȝ n) .....
-Pȝ-... (sȝ n) ....
-Pȝ-dỉ-... (sȝ n) ...
-Pȝ-dỉ-Bȝs.t sȝ n Pȝ-dỉ-Sbk (Petobastis son of Petesouchos)
-.... (sȝ n) Pȝ-dỉ-Ỉs.t ... son of Peteesis)
-Hry=w (sȝ n)... (Herieus son of...)
-Sbk-m-ḥb sȝ n Pa-Ḥʿpy (Sokonopis son of Hapis)
-Sbk-m-ḥb sȝ n Ḥr (Sokonopis son of Horos)
-Pȝ-ḥm-nṯr sȝ n Ḥr (Phomtis son of Horos)
-Pȝ-dỉ-Sbk sȝ n ....Hmyn (Petesouchos son of ...)
-Ḏd-Ḥr sȝ n Ḥr (Teos son of Horos)
-Ḏḥwty-ỉr-dy⸗s sȝ n Pȝ-šr-tȝ-ỉḥ.t (Thotortaios son of Psentaes)
-Hry⸗w sȝ n Pȝ-dỉ-Ḥȝpy (Herieus son of Peteapis)
-Pȝ-dỉ-Sbk sȝ n Pa-Ḥʿpy (Petesouchos son of Pahopis)
-Pȝ-dỉ-Wsỉr sȝ n Pa-Ḥʿpy (Petosiris son of Pahopis)
-Pȝ-dỉ-Wsỉr sȝ n Ḥr-... (Petosiris son of...)
-Pȝ-dỉ-Ỉs.t pȝ ḫm sȝ n Ḥr (Peteesis the young son of Horos)
-Ỉy-m-ḥtp sȝ n Pȝ-šr-n-Ḥr (Imouthes son of Psenhyris)
-Pȝ-šr-n-Ỉs.t sȝ n Pȝ-dỉ-Sbk (Psenesis son of Petesouchos)
-Pa-nȝ-nḫt.ṱ.w sȝ n Pȝ-dỉ-Wsỉr-Ḥʿpy (Panechotes son of Petosorapis)
-Ḥtr sȝ n Pȝ-dỉ-Bȝs.t (Hatres son of Petobastis)
-Pȝ-Htr sȝ n Ḥr (Phatres son of Horos)
-Pȝ-dỉ-Sbk pȝ- ḫm sȝ n Pa-tȝ.wy (Petesouchos the young son of Pahopis)
-Pȝ-dỉ-Sbk sȝ Ḥr-pȝ-rp (?) (Petesouchos son of ?)
-..... sȝ n Pa-n-Ỉs.t (... son of Paesis)


ii. Meetings and events The members of the association will meet to drink beer, give burnt offerings to the kings, the gods Sebek and Serapis and to all the gods (l. 5-6 ỉw⸗n swr ḥnk ỉw[=n ỉr nȝ kll.w nȝ wtn.w n nȝ pr-ʿȝ.wPtwlmys ỉrm Klwptrȝ nȝ nṯr.w mnḫ.w ḥnʿ nȝ kll.w nȝ wtn.w n Sbk(?) Wsjr Ḥp nȝ nṯr.w Kmy ḏr.w ỉrm nȝy⸗f ntrj.w.t).
iii. Worship The members of the association will meet to drink beer, give burnt offerings to the kings, the gods Sobek and Serapis and to all the gods (l. 5-6 ỉw⸗n swr ḥnk ỉw[=n ỉr nȝ kll.w nȝ wtn.w n nȝ pr-ʿȝ.wPtwlmys ỉrm Klwptrȝ nȝ nṯr.w mnḫ.w ḥnʿ nȝ kll.w nȝ wtn.w n Sbk(?) Wsjr Ḥp nȝ nṯr.w Kmy ḏr.w ỉrm nȝy⸗f ntrj.w.t).
Deities worshipped King
Royal Cult
Ruler Cult
crocodile god Sobek
all the others gods


i. Local interaction The association may had links with the temple of Horus Behedet.


i. Comments The association was centred in a village located in the Polemonos meris of the Arsinoites (l. 4 n tȝ dny.t Pwlmn tȝ tš Ȝrsynȝ).
iii. Bibliography De Cenival, Fr. (2006), ‘À propos du mot désignant en démotique « l’association »’, RdE 57 : 233-234.
Monson, A. (2007), 'Religious Associations and Temples in Ptolemaic Tebtunis', in J. Fräen, T. Purola et E. Salmenkivi (eds.), Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology, 1-7 August 2004, Helsinki: II 769-778.
Monson, A. (2006), 'The Ethics and Economics of Ptolemaic Religious Associations', AncSoc 36, 2006: 231-238.


i. Private association Certain
Note The use of ẖny.t (l. 1) to describe this group proves that it was a private association.