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Last Updated on 16 Jan 2019

Author: Matt Gibbs & Philip F. Venticinque

CAPInv. 1912: he hiera mousike peripolistike Aureliane oikoumenike megale synodos


i. Geographical area Egypt
ii. Nome Oxyrhynchites (U19)
iii. Site Oxyrhynchus


i. Full name (original language) ἡ ἱερὰ μουσικὴ περιπολιστικὴ Αὐρηλιανὴ οἰκουμενικὴ μεγάλη σύνοδος (Pap.Agon. 1, l. 13)
ii. Full name (transliterated) he hiera mousike peripolistike Aureliane oikoumenike megale synodos


i. Date(s) 225 (?) - 299 AD


i. Name in other forms Pap.Agon. 2: ἡ ἱερὰ σύνοδος he hiera synodos

Pap.Agon. 3 = P. Oxy. XXVII 2476: οἱ ἀπὸ τῆς οἰκο[υμένης περὶ τὸν Διόνυσον τεχνῖται κ]αὶ ἡ ἱερὰ μο[υ]σι[κ]ὴ περιπολιστικ̣ὴ̣ οἰκουμεν[ι]κὴ̣ [Διοκλητιανὴ Μαξ]ιμιανὴ εὐσ[ε]βὴ<ς> εὐτυχὴ<ς> σεβαστὴ με̣[γάλη σύνοδος τῶν περὶ τὸν Διόνυσον τεχ]νιτῶν ἱε̣ρ̣ο̣ν̣ι̣[κ]ῶ̣ν σ̣τεφαν[ι]τῶν, hoi apo tes oikoumenes peri ton Dionyson technitai kai he hiera mousike peripolistike oikoumenike Diokletiane Maximiane eusebes eutuches sebaste megale synodos ton peri ton Dionyson techniton hieronikon stephaniton

Pap.Agon. 4 = P.Oxy. Hels. 25: ἡ ἱερὰ μουσικὴ οἰκουμενικὴ περιπολιστικὴ Γαλλιηνὴ μεγάλη σύνοδος he hiera mousike oikoumenike peripolistike Galliene megale synodos

Pap.Agon. 5 = P. Oxy. 31 2610: ἡ ἱερὰ μουσικὴ καὶ περιπολιστικὴ μεγάλη οἰκουμενικὴ μεγάλη σύνοδος τῶν περὶ τὸν Διόνυσον τεχνιτῶν ἱερονικῶν στεφανιτῶν καὶ τῶν τούτων συναγωνιστῶν he hiera mousike kai peripolistike megale oikoumenike megale synodos ton peri ton Dionyson techniton hieronikon stephaniton kai touton sunagoniston

P.Oxy. XIV 1691: ἡ ἱερὰ σύνοδος he hiera synodos

PSI V 450v: ἡ ἱερὰ σύνοδος he hiera synodos

SB 28.16959: ἡ ἱερὰ μουσικὴ περιπολιστικὴ Γαλλιηνὴ μεγάλη σύνοδος he hiera mousike peripolistike Galliene megale synodos
ii. Name elements
Personal:Aureliane, Diokletiane, Maximiane, Galliene
Professional:technitai hieronikai stephanitai
Status-related:technitai hieronikai stephanitai
Theophoric:peri ton Dionyson
Other:mousike, peripolistike, megale, eusebes, eutuches, sebaste
iii. Descriptive terms σύνοδος synodos
Note synodos passim in all documents indicated.


i. Source(s) Pap.Agon. 1 (27 Dec. AD 273 - 25 Jan. AD 274)
PSI V 450 verso (AD 225 - 275)
P.Oxy. XIV 1691 (AD 291/2)
Pap.Agon. 3 (26 Jul. AD 288)
Pap.Agon. 2 (26 Jan. - 24 Febr. AD 274)
Pap.Agon. 4 (26 Febr. - 26 Mar. AD 264)
Pap.Agon. 5 (late III AD)
SB XXVIII 16959 (AD 261 - 267)
Note Other editions:
Pap.Agon. 1 = SB XVI 13034 = BGU IV 1074 = SB I 5225
Pap.Agon. 3 = P.Oxy. XXVII 2476
Pap.Agon. 2 = BGU IV 1073 = M.Chr. 198
Pap.Agon. 4 = P.Oxy. Hels. 25
Pap.Agon. 5 = P.Oxy. XXXI 2610
Online Resources Pap.Agon. 1 = TM 16348
PSI V 450 verso = TM 31137
P. Oxy. XIV 1691 = TM 21971
Pap.Agon. 2 = TM 18516
Pap.Agon. 3 = TM 17010
Pap.Agon. 4 = TM 15809
Pap.Agon. 5 = TM 30441
SB 28 16959: TM 99922
i.a. Source type(s) Papyrological source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script All texts are in Greek.

Pap.Agon. 1: Diploma concerning membership in the synodos of the Dionysian artists

PSI V 450 verso: Extract from land and property register

P.Oxy. XIV 1691: Lease of land at Senokomis

Pap.Agon. 2: Official letter from the boule

Pap.Agon. 3: Privileges of Athletes and Dionysiac Artists

Pap.Agon. 4: Privileges of an Artist of Dionysus

Pap.Agon. 5: Diploma for an athlete (?)

SB 28 16959: Document concerning an agon in Hermopolis
i.c. Physical format(s) Papyrus


ii. Leadership Pap.Agon. 1 l. 21: ἄρχων γραμματε­ύς Archon (and?) grammateus

Pap.Agon. 3 l.16: ἀρχιερεύς, archiereus

Pap.Agon. 4: ἀρχιερεύς, archiereus (l. 10, 39, 43)
iii. Members Pap.Agon. 1 l.14: οἱ ἀπὸ τῆς [αὐ]τῆς συνόδου, hoi apo tes autes synodou

Pap. Agon. 2 l. 11: οἱ σύλλογοι τῆς ἱερᾶς συνόδου, hoi syllogoi tes hieras synodou

Pap. Agon. 3 : οἱ ἀπὸ τῆς οἰκο[υμένης περὶ τὸν Διόνυσον τεχνῖται hoi apo tes oikoumenes peri ton Dionyson technitai (ll. 12-13); οἱ περὶ τὸν Διόνυσον τεχ]νῖται ἱε̣ρ̣ο̣ν̣ῖ̣[κ]αι σ̣τεφαν[ῖ]ται (l. 14) hoi peri ton Dionyson technitai hieronikai stepanitai

Pap. Agon. 4: οἱ τ]ὴ̣ν ἱερὰν σύ̣νο̣δ̣ο̣ν̣ νέμον̣[τες hoi ten hieran synodon nemontes (l. 3); οἱ ἀπὸ τῆς οἰκουμένης περὶ τὸν Διόνυσον, hoi apo tes oikoumenes peri ton Dionyson (l.15); οἱ περὶ τὸν Διόνυσον τεχνῖται ἱερονῖκαι στεφανῖται καὶ οἱ τούτων συναγωνισταῖς, hoi peri ton Dionyson technitai hieronikai stephanitai kai hoi touton synagonistai (l.15)

PSI V 450 verso: οἱ ἀπὸ τῆς ἱερᾶς συνόδου καὶ ἀτελεῖς ἱερονῖκαι, hoi apo tes hieras synodou kai ateleis hieronikai, ll. 55-56.

P. Oxy. 14 1691: οἱ ἀπὸ τῆς ἱερᾶς συνόδου, hoi apo tes hieras synodou, ll. 2-3.
iv. Officials Pap.Agon. 1: Secretary (ll. 11, 15, 20, 22, 25): γραμματεύς, grammateus: [Marcus] Aurelius Apollodidymos, son of Ploution.
"Officers" (l. 17): ἄρχοντες (τῆς ἱερᾶς μουσικῆς συνόδου), archontes.
First officer/magistrate (ll. 17, 18-19): πρῶτος ἄρχων, protos archon: [Marcus Aurelius (cf. l. 18)] Sarapammon.
Secretary (l. 17): γραμματεύς, grammateus: [Marcus Aurelius (cf. l. 20)] Paulus.
Officer of the laws/constitution (ll. 18, 22-24): ἄρχων νομοδείκτης, archon nomodeiktes: Marcus Aurelius Silvanus.
Archon (and?) grammateus (l. 21): ἄρχων γραμματε­ύς: (?) Marcus Aurelius Paulus.
ἀρχιγραμματεύς Archigrammateus (?) l. 83 and γραμματεύσας (cf. Pap.Agon. 6 = CAPInv. 1952) τῆς συνόδου, grammateusas tes synodou (l. 26):: Marcus Aurelius Pto. . .

Pap. Agon. 3: First officer/magistrate (ll. 19, 23): ἄρχων πρῶτος, archon protos [cf. Plut. Pomp. 68.1]): Marcus Aurelius Herakleios Commodus alias Nicantinoos.
[Second] officer/vice-president and secretary (ll. 20, 27): ἀντάρχων γραμματεύς, antarchon grammateus): Marcus Aurelius Agathokles alias Asterios.
Officer of the laws/constitution (ll. 21, 30: ἄρχων νομοδείκτης, archon nomodeiktes): Aurelius Kasullas.

Pap. Agon. 4: "Officers" (l. 20): ἄρχοντες (τῆς ἱερᾶς μουσικῆς συνόδου), archontes.
First officer/magistrate (l. 20): ἄρχων πρῶτος, archon protos, Marcus Aurelius ...gus also called Antinous. (cf. l. 22: ἀντάρχων πρῶτος, antarchon protos).
[Second] officer/vice-president and secretary (l. 21): ἀντάρχων γραμματεύς, antarchon grammateus, Marcus Aurelius ..on, son of Anubion (cf. l. 25: ἄρχων γραμματεύς, archon grammateus).
(Officer, cf. Pap. Agon. 3) of the laws/constitution (l. 21): νομοδείκτης, nomodeiktes, Titus Aelius Agathodaemon (cf. l. 28: ἄρχων νομ̣οδείκτης, archon nomodeiktes).
v. Other staff Pap.Agon. 3: ? President of the games (ll.32-33: διοικήσας τὸν ἀγῶνα, dioikesas ton agona): Marcus Aurelius Horion

It is tempting to push this to dioiketes if a formalised position, given the similarities to that civil position in Egypt at the time, but I can find no parallel (MG)
viii. Obligations Pap.Agon. 1: Marcus Aurelius Apollodidymos pays 250 denarii for his entrance into the association here, l. 15 (cf. CAPInv. 1939).

Pap.Agon. 3: Aurelius Hatres apparently pays an entrance fee of 850 denarii (l. 15), and makes several (but unnumbered) payments for the temples of the emperors. Whether this payment was for entrance to the association itself, or whether he paid this as part of his accession to high priest is not entirely clear. With respect to the former particularly, one wonders why he would pay an entrance fee to an association that he was presumably already a part of. Possibly this was just recording that he had actually made the payment, or that it was an annual cost that all members were required to pay (although there is no evidence for any of this within the document itself).

Pap. Agon. 4: Marcus Aurelius Serenus paid 250 Attic drachmas (l. 25)

The reason behind the differing amounts is entirely unclear, unless the reading of Pap.Agon. 3 is incorrect (which it may well be, given the similarity between the costs that appear in the other documents). It may be the case, however, that high-priest was to pay more than the other officials (although cf. CAPInv. 1939).
ix. Privileges Pap.Agon. 1: ll. 1-3 contain a summary of the various imperial warrants in a letter of Claudius, but which appear to have begun under Augustus.
ll. 3-5: summary of edict of Hadrian confirming privileges bestowed on the association, "inviolability, seating precedence, exemption from military service, immunity from public duties, to keep untaxed all that they earn from private business or the games (?) ... not to supply guarantors, exemption from special (?) taxes [ἀνεισφορία aneisphoria here], communal sacrifice, not to be forced to supply billets for foreigners, nor to be imprisoned in any prison . . ."
ll. 5-7: A letter from Septimius Severus to the association confirming the privileges granted by earlier emperors.
ll. 7-8: A letter from Severus and Caracalla to the association upholding the privileges that the association currently receive.
ll. 8-9: A letter from Severus Alexander confirming the earlier edicts of Severus and Caracalla.

Pap. Agon. 3: ll. 1-4: Letter of Claudius to society allowing εἰκόνες eikones and confirming privileges conferred by Augustus, namely the erection of images with which the emperor may be worshipped and confirmation of "the rights and favours granted you by the god Augustus."
ll. 4-7: Decree of Hadrian concerning privileges namely "inviolability, seating precedence, exemption from military service, immunity from public duties, to keep untaxed all that they earn from private business or the games (?) ... not to supply guarantors, exemption from special (?) taxes [ἀνεισφορία aneisphoria here], communal sacrifice, not to be forced to supply billets for foreigners, nor to be imprisoned, . . . .ed, or liable to the death penalty."
ll. 7-11: Letter of Severus confirming their privileges: "all the rights and favours that you have had from the beginning, bestowed by emperors before me, those I also maintain with the intention of preferring and holding in esteem men of artist . . . religious rites."
ll. 11-12: Letter of Alexander confirming the decisions (presumably relating to privileges) of Caracalla and Severus, and earlier emperors.
ll. 12-17: Letter from society to members, confirming the appointment of Aurelius Hatres of Oxyrhynchus as high priest (see above).
ll. 17-33: ratification of this letter dated by games at Panopolis and the current officers of this association (see above).

Pap. Agon. 4: ll. 1-2: Summary of an edict of Hadrian confirming the privileges granted to the association, namely "inviolability, seating precedence, exemption from military service, immunity from public duties, to keep untaxed all that they earn from private business or the games (?) ... not to supply guarantors, exemption from special (?) taxes, communal sacrifice, not to be forced to supply billets for foreigners, nor to be imprisoned..."
ll. 3-5: A letter from Septimius Severus to the association confirming the privileges granted by earlier emperors.
ll. 6-7: A letter from Severus and Caracalla to the association noting that none of the privileges bestowed upon the group would be revoked.
ll. 8-9: A letter from Severus Alexander confirming both the edicts of Severus and Caracalla.
ll. 10-14: A letter from Marcus Aurelius Serenus to the senate requesting confirmation of his privileges (dating to the reign of Gallienus).

Pap.Agon. 5: ll. 2-8 reproduces the letter of Severus appearing in Pap.Agon. 3 ll. 7-11, and above Pap.Agon. 1 ll.5-7, confirming the privileges of the association: "all the rights and favours that you have had from the beginning, bestowed by emperors before me, those I also maintain with the intention of preferring and holding in esteem men of artist . . . religious rites," the letter of Severus and Caracalla from Pap.Agon. 1 ll. 5-7, and Alexander (cf. Pap.Agon. 3 ll. 8-9).


ii. Realty P. Oxy. XIV 1691: rental of three arourae for 2500 dr (one of the lessees, Aurelius Diogenes, son of Diogenes, was a member of this association).
iii. Income Pap.Agon. 3: What is this fee that Aurelius Hatres paid "by imperial decree"? A membership cost? If annual then 850 denarii per year per member. A payment for being leader or an official? Therefore, 850 denarii per official position?

Other documents reveal that 250 denarii or 250 Attic drachmas were membership fees (see VII.viii Obligations).


i. Number At least 4-5 (as officials seem to suggest, see e.g. Pap.Agon. 3 and above), but significantly larger.
ii. Gender Men
Note The recorded names are male names.
iii. Age Adults
iv. Status Roman citizens, due to the date (and because of their privileges).

Pap.Agon. 1: Marcus Aurelius Apollodidymos, son of Ploution, an Oxyrhynchite
Marcus Aurelius Sarapammon, an Alexandrian and a Hermopolite
Marcus Aurelius Paulus, an Antinoopolite
Marcus Aurelius Silvanus, a Hermopolite, a citizen of Rome [why is this included here given the date?] and Athens, also Rhodes and Pergamon (?)
Marcus Aurelius Pto. . .

Pap.Agon. 3: [Marcus] Aurelius Hatres, son of Peteesius, son of Nechthenibis is an Oxyrhynchite (and he was appointed at Panopolis).
Marcus Aurelius Herakleios Commodus alias Nicantinoos is a citizen of Antinoopolis, Panopolis, Hermopolis, Lycopolis, and Oxrhynchus.
Marcus Aurelius Agathokles alias Asterios is a citizen of Alexandria, Antinoopolis, and Lycopolis.
[Marcus] Aurelius Kasullas, citizen of Panopolis and Antinoopolis.
Marcus Aurelius Horion (possibly as president of the games) is a citizen of Hermopolis, a colonist of Antioch and a "citizen of many other cities" (l. 32: καὶ κόλων Ἀντιοχεὺς μητροπολίτης καὶ ἄλλων πολλῶν πόλεων πολίτης, kai kolon Antiocheus metropolites kai allon pollon poleon polites).
Marcus Aurelius Agricolaos is a citizen of Panopolis.

Pap.Agon. 4: One of the association's officers is an Alexandrian citizen (Titus Aelius Agathodaemon, ll. 21, 28). One officer is a citizen of Leontopolis (Marcus Aurelius ...on, son of Anubion, ll. 21, 25).

The new high priest—Marcus Aurelius Serenus, son of Serenus, also called Ptolemaeus—is an Oxyrhynchite (ll. 17, 24), who was apparently elected in Antinoopolis (l. 24).
vi. Proper names and physical features PSI V 450v: Agathos Daimon alias Theon, son of Agathinos, grandson of Adon, whose mother is Sarapias

Pap. Agon. 1: Marcus Aurelius Apollodidymos, son of Ploution
Marcus Aurelius Sarapammon
Marcus Aurelius Paulus.
Marcus Aurelius Silvanus
Marcus Aurelius Paulus also known as Antinous.
Marcus Aurelius Pto. . .

Pap. Agon. 2: Aurelius Apollodidymos, son of Ploution

P.Oxy. 14.1691: Aurelius Diogenes, son of Diogenes

Pap. Agon. 3: [Marcus] Aurelius Hatres, son of Peteesius, son of Nechthenibis;
Marcus Aurelius Herakleios Commodus alias Nicantinoos;
Marcus Aurelius Agathokles alias Asterios;
[Marcus] Aurelius Kasullas;
Marcus Aurelius Horion (possibly as president of the games);
Marcus Aurelius Agricolaos.

Pap. Agon. 4: Marcus Aurelius ...gus also called Antinous;
Marcus Aurelius Serenus, son of Serenus, also called Ptolemaeus;
Marcus Aurelius ...on, son of Anubion;
Titus Aelius Agathodaemon


ii. Meetings and events Pap.Agon. 1 appears to have been composed during the first Capitolia of AD 273-74 (ll. 15-16 and Remijsen 2014: 198 n. 6)

Pap.Agon. 3: It seems that the synodos had been active in the games at Panopolis.

Pap.Agon. 4: Participation in games at Antinoopolis.


i. Local interaction If these documents do all represent the same association as they seem to, then it (or more precisely, its members) appears to have been present in several communities:
Pap.Agon. 1: found U19 Oxyrhynchus; the Capitolia here began in c. AD 273, and see Remijsen 2014: 198 nn. 5-6.
Pap.Agon. 3: found U19 Oxyrhynchus; suggests participation in the games at Panopolis
Pap.Agon. 4: found U19 Oxyrhynchus; suggests participation in games at Antinoopolis
Pap.Agon. 5: found U19 Oxyrhynchus
SB XXVIII 16959: found U15 Hermopolis

The officials seem to be from various parts of Egypt: this shows the large network at national (and at times international) level that this association enjoyed.


i. Comments It is likely that CAPInv. 1930, CAPInv. 1935, CAPInv. 1938, and CAPInv. 1939 overlapped with this association.
iii. Bibliography Aneziri, S. (2003) Die Vereine der Dionysischen Techniten im Kontext der hellenistischen Gesellschaft: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte, Organisation und Wirkung der hellenistischen Technitenvereine. Stuttgart: F. Steiner;
Frisch, P. (1983) 'Zu den Kaiserbriefen an die ökumenische Synode der dionysischen Künstler'. ZPE 52: 215-18;
Le Guen, B. (2001) Les associations de Technites dionysiaques à l’époque hellénistique. Nancy.
Llewelyn S. R. ed. (2002), New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity. Volume 9: A Review of the Greek Inscriptions and Papyri Published in 1986-87. Grand Rapids and Cambridge: 67-68 no. 23.
Lorber, C., and O. D. Hoover (2003) “An Unpublished Tetradrachm Issued by the Artists of Dionysos.” NC 163: 59-68;
Martin, Alain, and Georges Nachtergael (2004) "Papyrus du Musée du Caire. VII." CE 79: 203-208 (no. 17)
Migliardi Zingale, L. (2007) 'Catene di costituzioni imperiali nelle fonti papirologiche: brevi riflessioni', in Atti dell’Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana. XVI Convegno Internazionale in onore di Manuel J. Garcia Garrido. Napoli: 423-434.
Petzl, G., and E. Schwertheim. (2007). Hadrian und die Dionysischen Künstler. Bonn: Habelt;
Remijsen, S. (2015) The end of Greek athletics in late antiquity. Cambridge.
Remijsen, S. (2014) "Appendix: Games, competitors, and performers in Roman Egypt," in W.B. Henry and P.J. Parsons (ed) The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Vol. LXXIX. London: 190-206.
Scheid, J. (1986) “Le Thiase du Metropolitan Museum (IGUR I 160),” in L'association dionysiaque dans les sociétés anciennes: actes de la table ronde, organisée par l'Ecole française de Rome, Rome, 24-25 mai 1984. Rome: 275-90.
Sifakis, G. M. (1965) “Organization of Festivals and the Dionysiac Guilds.” CQ, N. S. 15.2: 206-14.
van Renden, W. (1971) "Les jeux de Panopolis." CE 46: 136-41.


i. Private association Certain
Note These are private associations, but certainly enjoy significant imperial privilege (as the Pap.Agon. papyri clearly illustrate).