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Last Updated on 27 Feb 2017

Author: Takashi Fujii

CAPInv. 1913: [Rom]ani qui in Salam[ine negot]iantur


i. Geographical area Cyprus
ii. Region Cyprus
iii. Site Paphos and Salamis


i. Full name (original language) [Rom]ani qui in Salam[ine negot]iantur (Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 58, ll. 2-3)
ii. Full name (transliterated) [Rom]ani qui in Salam[ine negot]iantur


i. Date(s) i BC


i. Name in other forms [cives Romani qui Pa]phi negotiantur (Cayla 2006: 195-6, no. 3, l. 1)
[οἱ πραγματευόμενοι ἐν] Πάφωι Ῥωμαῖοι (Cayla 2006: 195-6, no. 3, ll. 2-3)
cives R(omani) Paphiae diocen(seos) (Cayla 2006: 196, no. 5, ll. 2-3)
ii. Name elements
Ethnic:Romani, Rhomaioi
Geographical:In Salamine, en Paphoi, Paphiae
Professional:qui negotiantur, pragmateuomenoi
Status-related:cives Romani


i. Source(s) Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 58 (i BC)
Cayla 2006: 195-6, nos. 3, 5 (i BC)
Note See also:
Cayla 2006: 196, no. 4
Online Resources Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 58
AGRW ID 20577
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 58 seems to have been a dedication to a deity, in Latin.
Cayla 2006: 195-6, no. 3 concerns a dedication to Aphrodite of Paphos set up by the association; bilingual in Greek and Latin.
Cayla 2006: 196, no. 5 concerns a honorific inscription set up by the association on behalf of M. Vehilius, proconsul of the island, in Latin.
i.c. Physical format(s) Block (Cayla 2006: 195-6, no. 3)
Statue base (Cayla 2006: 196, no. 5)
Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 58 is lost.
ii. Source(s) provenance Limnia near Salamis (Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 58)
Sanctuary of Aphrodite in Paphos Vetus (Cayla 2006: 195-6, no. 3)
Fabrika in Paphos Nova (Cayla 2006: 196, no. 5)


Gender Male


iii. Worship The association set up dedications to Aphrodite of Paphos (Cayla 2006: 195-6, no. 3), and to a deity, whose identity is unclear (Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 58).
Deities worshipped Aphrodite of Paphos
iv. Honours/Other activities The association set up honorific inscriptions on behalf of M. Vehilius, proconsul of the island (Cayla 2006: 196, no. 5), and a certain L. Caelius (Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 58).


i. Local interaction The association revered one of the most important local deities, Aphrodite of Paphos.
ii. Interaction abroad The members of the association consisted of the Romans and Italians who were in business in Cyprus as negotiatores.


i. Comments The members of the association consisted of the Romans and Italians who were in business in Cyprus as negotiatores.
CIL X 3847 (= Poland E *64) may also have been a honorific inscription set up by the association on behalf of a Roman official.
ii. Poland concordance Poland E *62 (Cayla 2006: 195-6, no. 3)
Poland E *63 (Salamine de Chypre XIII.1 58)
iii. Bibliography Cayla, J.-B. (2006), ‘Liens commerciaux et alliances matrimoniales entre Chypriotes et négociants romains’, in S. Fourrier and G. Grivaud (eds.), Identités croisées en un milieu méditerranéen: le cas de Chypre (Antiquité-Moyen Âge), Mont-Saint-Aignan: 187-205.


i. Private association Possible
Note It is possible that the group of Roman negotiatores formed a private association. However, they could also have produced their epigraphic records as a simple group of fellow-countrymen in business on the island, without a structured and durable organisation as association.
ii. Historical authenticity .