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Author: Vincent Gabrielsen

CAPInv. 2101: Panathenaistan strateuomenon koinon



i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Rhodes
iii. Site Rhodos


i. Full name (original language) Παναθηναϊστᾶν στρατευομένων κοινόν
ii. Full name (transliterated) Panathenaistan strateuomenon koinon


i. Date(s) 100 BC - 10 AD


i. Name in other forms Παναθηναϊστᾶν στρ[ατευ]ομένων κοινοῦ τῶν ἐνπλεόντων ἐν ΑΝΦ[— — , Panathenaistan str[ateu]omenon koinou ton enpleonton en ANPH[ - - (AD 18, 1,1)
ii. Name elements
Cultic:The element Panathenaistai, as Blinkenberg notes (I.Lindos II, col. 797), derives from Panathenaia. However, there is little (other than the use of the Attic form) to support his inference that the Panathenaistai strateuomenoi/strateusamenoi were an association sent as a sacred embassy (theoria) to the Athenian Panathenaia, cf. C. Blinkenberg, Trihemiolia. Étude sur un type de navire rhodien. Lindiaka 7 (Copenhagen, 1938), 50. Indeed, there is evidence for a Panathenaia festival with competitions in Kamiros: Tit.Cam. nos. 106, l. 13; 110, l. 56; 159, l. 3.

(see comments, CAPInv. 1064).
Other: The element systrateusamenoi ('those who had served together') belongs to a military context. It is likely connected with warship crews. For Blinkenberg's view that after 42 BC such associations of strateuomenoi lost entirely their military character, see Gabrielsen 1997, 203 n. 55.
iii. Descriptive terms κοινόν, koinon


i. Source(s) ClRhod 2, 190,19
Maiuri, NSER 18
AD 18 Meletai 1, 1
IG XII,1 107
Lindos II 300
Lindos II 391
Lindos II 392
Lindos II 394
Online Resources ClRhod 2, 190,19
Maiuri, NSER 18
AD 18
IG XII,1 107
Lindos II 300
Lindos II 391
Lindos II 392
Lindos II 394

AGRW no. 14965
AGRW no. 14965
AGRW no. 12525
AGRW no. 14856
AGRW no. 15070
AGRW no. 15073
AGRW no. 14996
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)


i. Comments Blinkenberg saw a connection between the Rhodian Panathenaic associations and the Athenian Panathenaic festival based on the attic form of the name Παναθηναϊστᾶι Panathenaistai (Lindos II, col. 797). He interpreted the associations of the Panathenaistai Strateuomenoi/strateusamenoi as a sacred embassy (theoria). Yet there is plenty of evidence for a Panathenaic festival on Rhodes in Kameiros unconnected to the Athenian festival (Tit.Cam. nos. 106, l. 13; 110, l. 56; 159, l. 3). There is little reason to believe that the Panathenaistai and the Panathenaistai Strateuomenoi were a part of the same organization apart from their mutual participation in a Panathenaic festival (For more on the Panathenaistai Strateuomenoi see CAPInv. 248, CAPInv. 249 and CAPInv. 1064).
ii. Poland concordance B 262


i. Private association Certain
Note The individual elements of the name of this group together with the use of the word κοινόν (koinon) make it certain that it is a private association