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PDFLast Updated on 30 May 2020
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Geographical area |
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Nome |
Arsinoites (00)
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Site |
i. |
Full name (original language) |
σύνο(δος) Ἀντωνίας (P.Tebt. ΙΙ 401 recto col. 7, l. 35)
ii. |
Full name (transliterated) |
synodos Antonias
ii. |
Name elements |
Personal: | Antonia, probably referring to the titular of an imperial estate (Bastianini and Gallazzi 1991: 45-46) |
iii. |
Descriptive terms |
σύνο(δος), synodos
Note |
synodos: the term is supplied by Bastianini and Gallazzi 1991: 45-46 with n. 10 (recorded in BL X 276)
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Source(s) |
P.Tebt. ΙΙ 401 recto col. 7, l. 35 (after AD 14)
Note |
The term synodos is supplied by Bastianini and Gallazzi 1991: 45-46 with n. 10 (recorded in BL X 276), instead of the reading συνο(ικίᾳ) synoikia recorded in BL VII 271.
Online Resources |
P.Tebt. ΙΙ 401 TM 13555
i.a. |
Source type(s) |
Papyrological source(s)
i.b. |
Document(s) typology & language/script |
Account of a beer seller in Greek.
i.c. |
Physical format(s) |
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References to buildings/objects |
ζύμη, zyme
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Meetings and events |
Given the fact that the group appears in the account of a beer seller as recipient of two and a half choes of beer (around 8 litres), the members in all likelihood organised drinking-parties.
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Comments |
According to Bastianini and Gallazzi 1991: 45-46, who supplied the reading synodos (recorded in BL X 276) instead of the reading συνο(ικίᾳ) synoikia recorded in BL VII 27, the name Antonia after whom the association was named probably referred to the titular of an imperial estate: the members would be employed in that estate.
iii. |
Bibliography |
Bastianini, G. and Gallazzi, C. (1991), 'Un'iscrizione inedita di Tebtynis e la synodos di Doryphorus', ZPE 89 (1991): 44-46.
i. |
Private association |
Note |
If the reading synodos by Bastianini and Gallazzi 1991: 45-46 is correct, as it seems the case, the terminology employed, the type of text, and the dealings recorded point to a private association.