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Author: Ilias Arnaoutoglou

CAPInv. 2142: Paraloi



i. Geographical area Attica with Salamis
ii. Region Attica.
iii. Site Athens & Peiraieus.


i. Full name (original language) Πάραλοι (SEG 46.163; IG ii2 1254; IG ii3 (4) 256; IG ii3 (4) 259)
ii. Full name (transliterated) Paraloi


i. Date(s) 350 - 300 BC


ii. Name elements
Theophoric:Worship of the hero Πάραλος (Paralos).
Other:The name signifies the crew members of the Athenian sacred ship Paralos.


i. Source(s) SEG 46.163
IG ii2 1254
IG ii3 (4) 256
IG ii3 (4) 259
Note SEG 46.163 (= Petzl (1994)).
Ed. pr. REG 44 (1931) 296 no. II (Dain) (= SEG 37.102) Other editions: Dain (1936: 25 no. 3).
IG ii2 1254.
Other editions: Michel (1927: no. 1517).
IG ii3 (4) 256.
Ed. pr. MDAI (A) 8 (1883) 165 no. 4, text on p. 171 (Koehler).
Other editions: IG ii2 2966.
IG ii3 (4) 259.
Ed. pr. Hesperia 30 (1961) 268 no. 31 (Meritt) (= SEG 21.778).
Other editions: Ag. xviii 85.
Online Resources SEG 46.163 & AIO (English translation) and AIO (English translation)
IG ii2 1254 & AIO (English translation)
IG ii3 (4) 256 = ii2 2966 & AIO (English translation)
IG ii3 (4) 259 = Hesperia 30 (1961) 268 no. 31 & AIO (English translation)
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script In Greek.
SEG 46.163: Honorary decree of the group.
IG ii2 1254: Honorary decree of the group.
IG ii3 (4) 256: Dedication of the group.
IG ii3 (4) 259: Dedication of the group.
i.c. Physical format(s) SEG 46.163: Marble column.
IG ii2 1254: Marble column (?).
IG ii3 (4) 256: Marble rectangular stele with a kymation measuring 0,43x0,50x0.92m.
IG ii3 (4) 259: Marble small rectangular pedestal measuring 0,41x0,21x0,18m.
ii. Source(s) provenance SEG 46.163: Found in a shipwreck near Mahdia, Tunisia. Now in Bardo Museum D1141, Tunisia.
IG ii2 1254: Found in a shipwreck near Mahdia, Tunisia. Now in Bardo Museum D1140, Tunisia.
IG ii3 (4) 256: Found in Ardettos Hill, W. of Panathenaikon Stadion, in Athens. Now in the Epigraphical Museum, Athens EM 10318.
IG ii3 (4) 259: Found in the Agora in the south wall of the church of Hag. Spyridon in 1939. Now, Inv. Ag. I 5669.


ii. References to buildings/objects There is a reference to a building (sanctuary?) called Παράλιον (Paralion) in SEG 46.163, [13] and IG ii2 1254, 15 and to stelai in IG ii2 1254, 14, 20 and SEG 46.163, [12-13].


iii. Members The membership of the group would include individuals from the crew of the sacred ship.
iv. Officials ταμίας (tamias) [SEG 46.163, 1 and IG ii2 1254, 17-18]; however, it is not certain whether the treasurer of Paraloi was identical with the treasurer of the Paralos (who was introduced in c. 368 BC and elected by the assembly of the Athenians, see Ath.Pol. 61.7, attested also in IG ii3 (1) 299, 7-8 (347/6 BC), IG ii2 1623, 225 (334/3 BC), IG ii2 1628, 8, 79 (326/5 BC), so Garland (1987: 132) claims it is identical and Bubelis (2010: 386-92)). For the paramount position of tamias see Jordan (1975: 175) & Bubelis (2010: 395).
ἱεροποιοὶ (hieropoioi) [SEG 46.163, 11].
ἐπιμεληταὶ (epimeletai) [IG ii2 1254, 16-17].
For epimeletai and hieropoioi as regular magistrates, Bubelis (2010: 397).
Eponymous officials Perhaps the person designated as ταμίας (tamias) in SEG 46.163, 1 and IG ii2 1254, 17-18 ταμιεύων (tamieuon) was the eponymous annual archon of the group. But he was appointed by the polis, see Ath.Pol. 61.7.
Known practice of appointment None but probably annual appointments.


i. Treasury/Funds The group most probably had a treasury and available funds to award crowns (SEG 46.163, [7-8] and IG ii2 1254, 9-10) and to inscribe the honorary decrees (IG ii2 1254, 18-23).
ii. Realty It is neither clear nor certain that the Paralion mentioned in the honorary decrees (SEG 46.163, [13] and IG ii2 1254, 15) belonged to the group or to the polis and it was used by the group. For Paralion see D. 49 (Against Timotheos) 25.


i. Number Five individuals are mentioned, although it is probable that they are not all members. Perhaps only two of them were members i.e. Diophantos and Anthippos.
ii. Gender Men
iii. Age Adults
iv. Status Three of them are citizens, due to the attested demotic and one is most likely a citizen.
SEG 46.163, 3: [Κόνων Κ]λεισθένους Ἀθμονεύς, Ath.On. s.v. (29)
IG ii2 1254, 6-7: Μειξιγένης Μίκωνος Χολλείδης, Ath.On. s.v. (1)
IG ii2 1254, 17-18: Διόφαντος, Ath.On. s.v. (7)
IG ii3 (4) 256: Ἄνθιππος, Ath.On. s.v. (5)
IG ii3 (4) 259: Ὀνήσανδρος Ἰθαιμένο Ἐλευσίνιος, Ath.On. s.v. (1)
See Jordan (1975: 173) & Bubelis (2010: 393-4) on the status of Paraloi as free-born Athenians.


i. Assemblies There is a reference to an assembly designated as σύλλογος (syllogos) in IG ii2 1254, 22.
ii. Meetings and events Probably an annual (at least) meeting followed by a sacrifice, SEG 46.163, 10-11 and IG ii2 1254, 11-12.
iii. Worship Sacrifice, SEG 46.163, 10-11 and IG ii2 1254, 11-12.
Deities worshipped The hero Πάραλος (Paralos), son of Poseidon; Schol. in Demosth. 8.29; Pliny, NH 7.207; Jordan (1975: 176) and Garland (1987: 131-2).
iv. Honours/Other activities The group awarded crowns (IG ii3 (8) 259, 1), sometimes golden (SEG 46.163, [7-8], IG ii2 1254, 9).


iii. Bibliography Bubelis, W. (2010), 'The sacred triremes and their ‘tamiai’ at Athens', Historia 59: 385-411. (= SEG 60.50)
Dain, A. (1936), Inscriptions grecques du Musée du Bardo. Paris.
Garland, R. (1987), The Piraeus, from the fifth to the first century B.C.. London.
Jordan, B. (1975), The Athenian navy of the classical period. A study of Athenian naval administration and military organization in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.. Berkeley.
Michel, Ch. (1927), Recueil d’inscriptions grecques. Supplement. Bruxelles.
Petzl, G. (1994), 'Die griechischen Inschriften', in Hellenkemper Salies, Gisela et al. (eds), Das Wrack. Der antike Schiffsfunde von Mahdia, I, Köln: 381-97.


i. Private association Possible
Note The association of Paraloi illustrates the thin red borderline between public and private associations. The group seems to be based on a public matrix of concerted action provided by the sacred state ship Paralos. Although the group has a tamias, it is very likely that this person was identical with the tamias of the sacred ship Paralos (see above), acting as an eponymous archon of the group and replacing the eponymous archon of the polis (cf. a single parallel of a similar practice in I.Eleusis 95 for a deme). It is not also clear whether all the members of the crew were automatically considered members of the group or they could choose not to become a member of the Paraloi. In the latter case, this is a strong piece of evidence for the private character of the group, see Jordan (1975: 174), Garland (1987: 210) not a genos, Bubelis (2010: 395-6); if the former, then the argument for its non-private nature is re-enforced,
For other groups of naval crews organized as groups see IG xi (4) 1135 (mid 3rd cent. BC), IG xii (4) 70 (c. 242 BC), I.Lindos II 140 (c. 202 BC), I.rhodische Peraia 2 (3rd cent. BC), and I.Delos 1855–1857.