i. | Geographical area | Attica with Salamis |
ii. | Region | Attica |
iii. | Site | Athens |
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CAPInv. 289: hoi plynes
i. | Full name (original language) | οἱ πλυνῆς (IG II3 (4) (1) 635, l. 1) |
ii. | Full name (transliterated) | hoi plynes |
i. | Date(s) | m. iv BC |
ii. | Name elements |
i. | Source(s) | IG II3 (4) (1) 635 (m. iv BC) |
Note |
Ed. pr. IG II 1327 Other publications: Waltzing III 190; Michel no. 1045; IG II2 2934. Cf. SEG 16: 152; SEG 42: 236; SEG 46: 2374; SEG 55: 6. |
Online Resources |
IG II2 2934 IG II3 (4) (1) 635 English translation |
i.a. | Source type(s) | Epigraphic source(s) |
i.b. | Document(s) typology & language/script | Greek dedication of the group to Nymphai and to all gods, following a prayer (εὐξάμενοι, euxamenoi). |
i.c. | Physical format(s) | Marble stele measuring 0,41x0,44m. It is divided in three panels, the middle one carries the inscription. In the top panel there is depicted Hermes, the three Nymphs, Pan and Acheloos. In the bottom panel, two goddesses and a man with a horse are depicted; see Guentner 1994: 23 A53. |
ii. | Source(s) provenance | It was found in the Panathenaikon Stadion, Athens, then carried over to Museo Naniano, Venice and now is in the Staatliche Museum, Berlin (Inv. no. SK 709). |
ii. | Gender |
Men Women |
Note |
Men: 10 Women: 2 |
iii. | Age | Adults |
iv. | Status | Unidentified but see Vlassopoulos (2011). |
v. | Relations |
The first two names suggest a father-son relation, Ζωαγόρας Ζωκύπρου Ζώκυπρος Ζωαγόρου |
Deities worshipped | Perhaps, Nymphs (Νύμφαι, Nympai,) were worshipped. |
ii. | Poland concordance | Poland Z2 |
iii. | Bibliography |
Bielman, A. (2002), Femmes en public dans le monde hellenistique. IVe - Ier s. av. J.-C.. Paris: no. 35. Brun, P. (2005), Imperialisme et démocratie a Athenes. Inscriptions de l'epoque classique (c. 500-317 av. J.-C.). Paris: no. 159. Guarducci, M. (1967), Epigrafia Greca. Roma: ii 145. Güntner, G. (1994), Göttervereine und Götterversammlungen auf attischen Weihreliefs. untersuchungen zur Typologie und Bedeutung. Würzburg. Ismard, P. (2010), La cité des réseaux. Athènes et ses associations VIe – Ier siècle av. J.-C.. Paris: 348. Löhr, Chr. (2000), Griechische Familienweihungen. Untersuchungen einer Repraesentationsfrom von Ihre Anfaengen bis zum Ende des 4. Jhs. v. Chr.. Rahden: 116. Parker, R. (1996), Athenian religion. A history. Oxford: 337 n.23. Vlassopoulos, K. (2011), ‘Two images of ancient slavery: the ‘living’ tool and the koinonia’ in E. Herrmann-Otto (ed.), Sklaverei und Zwangsarbeit zwischen Akzeptanz und Widerstand. Hildesheim: 469-70. |
i. | Private association | Possible |
Note | The designation πλυνῆς, plynes, and the lack of any other information on any corporate characteristic leaves the corporate character of the group in question. |