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Last Updated on 22 Feb 2017

Author: Ilias Arnaoutoglou

CAPInv. 357: to [koinon ton Her]oiston


i. Geographical area Attica with Salamis
ii. Region Attica
iii. Site Athens


i. Full name (original language) τὸ [κοινὸν τῶν Ἡρ]οϊστῶν (IG II2 1339, ll. 5-6)
ii. Full name (transliterated) to [koinon ton Her]oiston


i. Date(s) 39 / 38 BC


ii. Name elements
Heroic:Heroistai: from an unknown hero, perhaps a heroized descendant.
iii. Descriptive terms κοινόν, koinon (?)
ἔρανος, eranos (?)
Note koinon: IG II2 1339, ll. 5-6
eranos: IG II2 1339, ll. 14, 17

Although the term κοινόν, koinon is wholly restored I think it is convincing since the context requires a similar term. On the other hand the term ἔρανος, eranos, (also part restored) is uncertain as one could easily supply koinon instead (ll. 14 and 17).


i. Source(s) IG II2 1339 (39/8 BC)
Note Ed. pr.: Pittakes 1835: 35 (APMA 3: 98, no. 465); An.Ép. 1842: 520, no. 861 (APMA 5: 212, no. 1503)
Other publications: Lueders no. 29; Foucart no. 21; Michel no. 1562; GRA I 46; AGRW 6
Cf. SEG 42: 249 and 1803; SEG 44: 255. BE 2003: no. 272
Online Resources IG II2 1339 and AGRW ID 3021
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Decision of the association on the payment of a modest fee by the members of the group to finance the sacrifices, with the necessary exemptions. If not, they shall be expelled. In the end there was a clause about joining the association. Written in Greek.
i.c. Physical format(s) Marble stele measuring 0.27x0.22m.
ii. Source(s) provenance Found in the southern slope of the Athenian Acropolis, now in the Epigraphical Museum, EM 7774.


ii. Leadership Perhaps the chief-eranistes (ἀρχερανιστής, archeranistes, l. 4) was the leading personality of the group.
iv. Officials Treasurer (ταμιεύοντος, tamieuontos, l. 2).
vi. Laws and rules The association introduces rules about the payment of a fee (6 dr.) by those present and the absent members (reduced to half, 3 dr.); exemptions are made in case of illness and mourning, ll. 6-15: προνοηθῆναι τῆς [προσ|όδου ὅπω]ς οἱ ἀποδημοῦντες τῶν Ἡ[ροϊσ|τῶν καθ’ ὁν]δηποτεοῦν τρόπον διδῶ[σι εἰς | τὴν θυσίαν?] δραχμὰς τρεῖς, οἱ δὲ ἐπιδη[μοῦν|τες καὶ] μὴ παραγινόμενοι ἐπάναγκ[ες | ἀποδιδῶ]σι τὴν φορὰν τὰς ἓξ δραχμ[ὰς ἐ|ὰν καὶ μὴ? λάβ]ωσιν τὰ μέρη· ἐὰν δὲ μὴ διδ[ῶσι | τὴν φοράν, ἔ]δοξεν μὴ μετέχειν αὐτο[ὺς | τοῦ ἐράν]ου ἐὰν μή τινι συμβῆι διὰ πέ[ν|θος ἢ διὰ ἀ]σθένειαν ἀπολειφθῆναι, pronoethenai tes [prosodou hopo]s oi apodemountes ton He[roiston kath' hon]depoteoun tropon dido[si eis ten thysian] drachmas treis, hoi de epide[mountes kai] me paraginomenoi epanank[es apodido]si ten phoran tas hex drachm[as ean kai me lab]osin ta mere; ean de me did[osi ten phoran, e]doxen me metechein auto[us tou eran]ou ean me tini synbei dia pe[nthos e dia a]stheneian apoleiphthenai.
vii. Judicial system Failure to pay the fee results in expulsion from the group, ll. 12-15: ἐὰν δὲ μὴ διδ[ῶσι | τὴν φοράν, ἔ]δοξεν μὴ μετέχειν αὐτο[ὺς | τοῦ ἐράν]ου ἐὰν μή τινι συμβῆι διὰ πέ[ν|θος ἢ διὰ ἀ]σθένειαν ἀπολειφθῆναι, ean de me did[osi ten phoran, e]doxen me metechein auto[us tou eran]ou ean me tini synbei dia pe[nthos e dia a]stheneian apoleiphthenai.
viii. Obligations Members were obliged to pay the fee as delineated above, ll. 6-15.


iii. Income The income of the association derives from the payment of members' fees, ll. 6-18 (see above).


ii. Gender Men
Note The one attested member was a man.
Ἄροπος Σε[λεύκου], Athenian Onomasticon s.v. (5)
iii. Age Adults
iv. Status Citizen.
See Baslez 2004: 107.


iii. Worship The association probably performed some sort of sacrifices (θυσία, thysia, l. 9).


i. Comments The decree was passed in the archonship of Diokles, son of Diokles.
ii. Poland concordance Poland A46
iii. Bibliography Baslez, M.-F. (2004), ‘Les notables entre eux. Recherches sur les associations d’Athènes à l’époque romaine’, in S. Follet (ed.), L’Hellénisme d’époque romaine: Nouveaux documents, nouvelles approches (Ier s. a.C. – IIIe s. p.C.) (Actes du colloque international à la mémoire de Louis Robert, Paris, 7-8 juillet 2000), Paris: 105-20. (SEG 55: 29)
Baslez, M.-F. (2006), ‘Entraide et mutualisme dans les associations des cités grecques à l’époque hellénistique’, in M. Molin (ed.), Les régulations sociales dans l’antiquité (Actes du colloque d’Angers 23 et 24 mai 2003), Rennes: 157-70. (SEG 56: 2070)
Follet, S. (2000), ‘Les deux archontes Pammenes du Ier siecle a. C. a Athenes’, REG 113: 188-92.
Ismard, P. (2010), La cité des réseaux. Athènes et ses associations VIe – Ier siècle av. J.-C. Paris: 359-62.
Pakkanen, P. (1996), Interpreting early Hellenistic religion. A study based on the mystery cult of Demeter and the cult of Isis. Helsinki. (SEG 46: 2363)
Parker, R. (1996), Athenian religion. A history. Oxford: 342. (SEG 47: 26)
Wilhelm, A. (1909), Beitraege zur griechischen Inschriftenkunde. Wien: 88.
Pittakes, K. (1835), L'ancienne Athenes. Athens: 35.


i. Private association Certain
Note The association displays all the hallmarks of a private association: distinct name, membership, organization, property and durability.