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Last Updated on 08 Jul 2019

Author: Maria Paz de Hoz

CAPInv. 399: he synergasia ton linourgon

Hide this section I. LOCATION

i. Geographical area Western Asia Minor
ii. Region Lydia
iii. Site Saittai

Hide this section II. NAME

i. Full name (original language) ἡ συνεργασία τῶν λινουργῶν (Dittmann-Schöne III.3.2, ll. 3-4; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.3, ll. 3-4; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.4, ll. 2-3; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.5, ll. 3-4; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.6, ll. 3-4; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.7, ll. 2-3; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.8, ll. 2-4; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.9, ll. 2-3)

ii. Full name (transliterated) he synergasia ton linourgon

Hide this section III. DATE

i. Date(s) ii - iii AD

Hide this section IV. NAME AND TERMINOLOGY

i. Name in other forms τὸ ὁμότεχνον τῶν λινουργῶν, to homotechnon ton linourgon ((Dittmann-Schöne III.3.1 = TAM V.1 82, ll. 2-4)
ἡ πλατεία τῶν λινουργῶν, he plateia ton linourgon (Dittmann-Schöne III.3.10, ll. 3-4)
λινουργοί, linourgoi (Dittmann-Schöne III.3.11, nos. 36, 38-41)
[λινου]ργοί νε[ωτέροι], [linou]rgoi ne[oteroi] (Dittmann-Schöne III.3.11, no. 37)
ii. Name elements
iii. Descriptive terms συνεργασία, synergasia
ὁμότεχνον, homotechnon
πλατεία, plateia
Note synergasia: Dittmann-Schöne III.3.2, l. 2; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.3, ll. 3-4; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.4, l. 2; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.5, l. 3; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.6, ll. 3-4; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.7, l. 2; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.8, ll. 2-3; Dittmann-Schöne III.3.9, ll. 2-3
homotechnon: Dittmann-Schöne III.3.1, ll. 2-3
plateia: Dittmann-Schöne III.3.10, l. 3

Hide this section V. SOURCES

i. Source(s) Dittmann-Schöne III.3.1 (183/4AD)
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.2 (183/4 AD)
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.3 (183/4 AD)
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.4 (192/3 AD)
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.5 (192/3 AD)
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.6 (194/5 AD)
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.7 (202/3 AD)
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.8 (205/6 AD)
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.9 (211/2 AD)
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.10 (162/3 AD)
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.11 (1/2 II- 1/2 III AD)
Note See also:
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.1:
TAM V.1 82
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.2:
EA 30: 31-2, no. 15
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.3:
SEG 29: 1191
ZPE 36: 172, no. 30
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.4:
EA 30: 31-2, no. 16
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.5:
SEG 32: 1234
ZPE 47: 118, no. 13
EA 15: 83, no. 34
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.6:
SEG 40: 1088
EA 15: 83, no. 34
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.7:
SEG 31: 1036
ZPE 44: 88, no. 17
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.8:
TAM V.1 83
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.9:
TAM V.1 84
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.10:
SEG 31: 1026
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.10:
SEG 40: 1063
Online Resources TAM V.1 82
TAM V.1 83
TAM V.1 84
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Dittmann-Schöne III.3.1-10: funerary inscriptions.
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.11: sit inscriptions in the stadion.
i.c. Physical format(s) Dittmann-Schöne III.3.1-10: marble stele with pediment.
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.11: 1-3 south-west terrace of the stadion, rows 1-3 and 5-7.
ii. Source(s) provenance Dittmann-Schöne III.3.1, 3, 5-10: necropolis of Saittai.
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.2, 4: probably from Saittai or its territory.
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.11: stadion of Saittai.

Hide this section VI. BUILT AND VISUAL SPACE

i. Archaeological remains There are archaeological remains of the stadion of Saittai, where 6 rows were reserved for the members of the association; and of tombs dedicated by the association.
ii. References to buildings/objects References to the association seats in the stadion (Dittmann-Schöne III.3.11) and to tombs erected by the
association (Dittmann-Schöne III.3.20-23).
The name πλατεία (plateia) to designate the association refers to a street where the guild was active. For
this designation in relation to the guild of the shoemakers in Saittai cf. Dittmann-Schöne III.3.20-23, and
for the same designation for other guilds in Apamea in Phrygia, Dittmann-Schöne V.4.1, V.4.3. Cf. also
van Nijf 1997: 182-3.

Hide this section VII. ORGANIZATION

viii. Obligations The association had probably the obligation of erecting and taking care of the tombs of its members and their families, or maybe of persons external to the association as was often the case.
On funerary activities of professional associations cf. van Nijf 1997: 38-69.
ix. Privileges The association had the privilege of getting 6 rows of the stadion reserved for its members. It is the highst number of reserved sits for the same association attested so far, as Dittmann-Schöne states.

The association has also the privilege of being eponymous to one or two phylai of the city, if the restoration of the evidence is right: Dittmann-Schöne III.1.11 no. 36: φυ(λῆς?) β’ [λ]ινου[ργῶν], phy(les) b’ [l]inou[rgon].


i. Treasury/Funds The association must have funds in order to erect the attested funerary inscriptions.

Hide this section IX. MEMBERSHIP

iii. Age Adults
Note The attested deceased are all men. Their ages are comprised between 30 and 68. There are also two deceased boys at the age of 6 (Dittmann-Schöne III.3.2) and 9 (Dittmann-Schöne III.3.9), who were probably sons of the association's members.
v. Relations If the restitution [λινου]ρ{α}γω[ν] νε[ωτέρων?], [linou]r{a}go[n] ne[oteron?] (Dittmann-Schöne III.3.11, no. 37) is right, there could be a club of younger members in the association, as this author presumes, or maybe a recent or reformed association in opposition to the old one. For similar indications in Lydian cult associations cf. ΤΑΜ V.1 92, ll. 2-3: ἡ σύνοδος τῶν νεῶν ποδαρίων (he synodos ton neon podarion); TAM V.1 451, ll. 1-3: ἡ νεωτέρα φράτρα τοῦ Ἀσκλεπιοῦ (he neotera phratra tou Asklepiou); TAM V.1 537, l. 1: ἱερὰ συμβίωσις καὶ νεωτέρα (hiera symbiosis kai neotera); TAM V.3 1556, l. 3: νέοι φιλάνπελοι (neoi philanpeloi, see CAPInv. 324).

Hide this section X. ACTIVITIES

iv. Honours/Other activities The association erected, and probably took care of, tombs for their members and their families, maybe also for other persons. On funerary activities of professional associations cf. van Nijf 1997: 38-69.

Hide this section XI. INTERACTION

i. Local interaction Dittmann-Schöne III.3.11, no. 36 probably attests to a phyle of the city named after the guild of the
linenworkers (for phylai named after guilds in Philadelpheia in Lydia cf. Dittmann-Schöne III.5.1-2).
This, and the fact that the guild has 6 rows of seats reserved at the stadion means that it had an important
social and economic influence in the city.

Hide this section XII. NOTES

iii. Bibliography Bakir-Barthel, S., and Müller, H. (1979), ‘Inschriften aus der Umgebung von Saittai (II)’, ZPE 36: 163-94, esp. 172, no. 30.
Dittmann-Schöne, I. (2010), Die Berufsvereine in den Städten des kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasiens. 2nd. ed. Regensburg: 195-9.
Kolb, F. (1990), ‘Sitztufeninschriften aus dem Stadion von Saittai (Lydien)’, EA 15: 107-19, esp. 115-9.
Malay, M., and Gül, Y. (1981), ‘New inscriptions from Saittai’, ZPE 44: 81-90, esp. 84, no. 7 and 88, no. 17.
Malay, H. (1982), ‘Funerary inscriptions from Northeast Lydia’, ZPE 47: 112-8, esp. 118, no. 13.
van Nijf, O. (1997), The civic world of professional associations in the Roman East. Amsterdam: 38-69, 182-3.
Petzl, G. (1998), ‘Neue Inschriften aus Lydien (III)’, EA 30: 19-46, esp. 31-2, nos. 15, 16.
Varinlioglu, E. (1990), ‘Die Inschriften aus dem Museum von Usak’, EA 15: 73-106, esp. 83, no. 34.

Hide this section XIII. EVALUATION

i. Private association Certain
Note It is a craftmanship-association.