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Last Updated on 08 Jul 2019

Author: Maria Paz de Hoz

CAPInv. 401: to homotechnon to lanarion

Hide this section I. LOCATION

i. Geographical area Western Asia Minor
ii. Region Lydia
iii. Site Saittai

Hide this section II. NAME

i. Full name (original language) τὸ ὁμότεχνον τῶν λαναρίων (Dittmann-Schöne III.3.13, ll. 4-5)
ii. Full name (transliterated) to homotechnon to lanarion

Hide this section III. DATE

i. Date(s) ii - iii AD

Hide this section IV. NAME AND TERMINOLOGY

i. Name in other forms οἱ ἐριουργοί, hoi eriourgoi ( III.3.14, l. 3)
ἡ συνεργασία τῶν ἐριουργῶν, he synergasia ton eriourgon ( III.3.15, ll. 4-5)
ii. Name elements
iii. Descriptive terms τὸ ὁμότεχνον, to homotechnon
ἡ συνεργασία, he synergasia
Note homotechnon: Dittmann-Schöne III.3.13, l. 4
synergasia: Dittmann-Schöne III.3.15, ll. 3-4

Hide this section V. SOURCES

i. Source(s) Dittmann-Schöne III.3.13 (145/6 AD)
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.14 (192/3 AD)
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.15 (223/4 AD)
Note See also:
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.13:
TAM V.1 85
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.14:
Petzl 1998: 33, no. 17
SEG 29: 1198
Online Resources TAM V.1 85
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Funerary inscriptions
i.c. Physical format(s) Marble stele with pediment
ii. Source(s) provenance Dittmann-Schöne III.3.13: in the wall of a house north of ancient Saittai
Dittmann-Schöne III.3.14 and 15: probably from the city of Saittai or its territory

Hide this section VII. ORGANIZATION

viii. Obligations The association probably had funerary obligations towards its members.


i. Treasury/Funds The association must have had funds in order to bury and dedicate funerary inscriptions to its members.

Hide this section IX. MEMBERSHIP

ii. Gender Men
Note Through three funerary inscriptions are three deceased (surely members) attested, who died in ages of 57, 25 and 50, all of them men. That is the only probable evidence for members we have.
iii. Age Adults
Note The three attested possible members are adults.

Hide this section X. ACTIVITIES

iv. Honours/Other activities The association had funerary activities.
On funerary activities of professional associations cf. van Nijf 1997: 38-69.

Hide this section XII. NOTES

i. Comments It is not sure if there were two different associations (a homotechnon lanarion, "woolworkers", and a synergasia eriourgon, "wooltraders"), or if it was the same association with different names or different branches. For the possibility they were also related to the association of feltworkers attested in Saittai (Dittmann-Schöne III.3.19) cf. Bakir-Barthel-Müller 1979: 176, no. 32; Pleket in SEG 29: 1198, and Dittmann-Schöne with different views (see CAPInv. 404).
iii. Bibliography Bakir-Barthel S., and Müller H. (1979), ‘Inschriften aus der umgebung von Sattai, (II)’ ZPE 36: 163-94, esp. 176, no. 32.
Dittmann-Schöne, I. (2001), Die Berufsvereine in den Städten des kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasiens. 2nd. ed. Regensburg: 200-1.
van Nijf, O. (1997), The civic world of professional associations in the Roman East. Amsterdam: 38-69.
Petzl, G. (1998), ‘Neue Inschriften aus Lydien’, EA 30: 33, no. 17.

Hide this section XIII. EVALUATION

i. Private association Certain
Note It s a craftmanship association.