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Last Updated on 08 Jul 2019

Author: Maria Paz de Hoz

CAPInv. 414: hoi skyteis


i. Geographical area Western Asia Minor
ii. Region Lydia
iii. Site Philadelpheia


i. Full name (original language) οἱ σκυτεῖς (TAM V.3 1491, l. 23; restituted: TAM V.3 1492, ll. 3-4)
ii. Full name (transliterated) hoi skyteis


i. Date(s) ii - iii AD


ii. Name elements


i. Source(s) TAM V.3 1491 (ca. 220)
TAM V.3 1492 (high Roman imperial time)
Note See also:
Dittmann-Schöne III.5.2
LBW 656

date unkown; the name Fl. Aurelius could appoint to the 4th. century (Dittmann-Schöne)
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script TAM V.3 1491: Honorific inscription dedicated by the sacred phyle of the shoemakers (hiera phyle ton skyteon, ll. 22-23) to a member of the Roman élite of the city according to a decree of the boule and the demos.
TAM V.3 1492: Honorific inscription dedicated by the phyle of the shoemakers to a woman (very damaged and impossible to restitute completely).
i.c. Physical format(s) TAM V.3 1491: marble base
TAM V.3 1492: marble block
ii. Source(s) provenance TAM V.3 1491: Alasehir (ancient Philadelpheia).
TAM V.3 1492: Alasehir, time ago in the wall of the house Sehit Mustafa Caddesi 32.


iii. Members The members of the association formed a phyle. There were other phylai named after craftsmen associations in Philadelpheia. Cf. TAM V.3 1490 and van Nijf 1997: 184f., 233.


iv. Honours/Other activities The association honours Phl. Aur. Hephaistion, son of Paitianos, a man worthy of praise of a wealthy
family, that has held important charges and liturgies in the city, as well as the first strategia, like his father.
On the importance of honorific inscriptions set up by private associations in order to commemorate the
relationships that they maintained with the leading members of society cf. van Nijf 1997: 73f.


i. Local interaction The erecting of a honorific inscription by the association, following a decree of the boule and the demos,
to an important official charge in the city is surely evidence of local, at least politic, interaction. The fact
that a phyle of the city is named after the shoemakers confirms that interaction.
The existence of guild tribes evidences the social and economic importance of these guilds in
Philadelpehia and also in the Lydian Saittai (Dittmann-Schone III 3.11).
By setting up honorific inscriptions and statues on behalf of honorands chosen by the boule and the
gerousia, the associations appear as an executive branch of the city's political structure, as stated by van
Nijf 1997: 184. For the local interaction and political significance of the craftsmen associations in Lydia
cf. van Nijf 1997: 184f., 233.


i. Comments Cf. Schreiner 1969: 375-431, esp. 411 cited by Petzl in TAM: "In seiner Schrift τῆς φυσικῆς κοινωνίας λόγοι ἕξ hebt Kaiser Theodoros II. Laskaris die Lederverarbeitung als Charakteristikum Philadelpheias hervor", with reference in n. 2 to PG 140, column 1345.
iii. Bibliography Dittmann-Schöne, I. (2010), Die Berufsvereine in den Städten des kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasiens. 2nd. ed. Regensburg: 213.
van Nijf, O. (1997), The civic world of professional associations in the Roman East. Amsterdam: 73f., 184f., 233.
Schreiner, P. (1969), ‘Zur Geschichte Philadelpheias im 14. Jahrhundert (1293-1390)’, OCP 35: 375-431


i. Private association Certain
Note It is a craftmen association.