i. | Geographical area | Western Asia Minor |
ii. | Region | Mysia |
iii. | Site | Daskyleion |
Stable URL: http://assocgr.saxo.sc.ku.dk/GR/43Download as:
Last Updated on 12 Jul 2019
CAPInv. GR-43: thiasoi
i.a. | Full reference (original language) | θίασοι (I.Kyz. 540, l. 1) |
i.b. | Full reference (transliterated) | thiasoi |
ii. | Reference context | Certain thiasoi set up a funerary epigram for an unnamed deceased (I.Kyz. 540, l. 1: θίασοι μνήμης χάριν, thiasoi mnemes charin). At the end of the epigram all initiates of Dionysos who pass by the grave are invited to say farewell to the deceased (I.Kyz. 540, ll. 6-7: χαίρετ’ ἐμοὶ παράγοντες [ἀε]ὶ μύσται Διονύσου, chairet' emoi paragontes aei mystai Dionysou). |
i. | Date(s) | Inc. |
i. | Descriptive terms | θίασοι, thiasoi |
Note | l. 1 |
i. | Source(s) | I.Kyz. 540 |
Note |
Cf. Corsten 1988: 72-74 no. 2 (SEG XLVIII 1255-1258); Jaccottet 2003: II 147-148 no. 74; http://www.philipharland.com/greco-roman-associations/?p=7233 |
Online Resources |
I.Kyz. 540 AGRW 7233 |
i.a. | Source type(s) | Epigraphic source(s) |
i.b. | Document(s) typology & language/script | Funerary epigram in Greek. |
i.c. | Physical format(s) | Grave stele with relief depicting Dionysos holding a scepter. |
ii. | Source(s) provenance | The inscription was found at Beychiftlik (or Yalichiftlik), between Daskyleion and the river Rhyndacus (see Mendel 1900: 375; Hasluck 1910: 288 nr. 312; E. Schwertheim in I.Kyz. 540). |
iii. | Members | The μύσται Διονύσου, mystai Dionysou (I.Kyz. 540, l. 7) invited to say farewell to the deceased is probably a term denoting members of the thiasoi who set up the funerary inscription. |
i. | Comments | As Corsten has pointed out (1988: 73), the inscription testifies to the existence of various thiasoi devoted to the cult of Dionysus in the area of Daskyleion. The invitation addressed to the mystai Dionysou at the end of the epigram indicates that these thiasoi were involved in the celebration of Dionysaic mysteries. Cf. also Jaccottet 2003: II 148. |
ii. | Poland concordance | Poland B 411A |
iii. | Bibliography |
Corsten, T. (1988), ‘Daskyleion am Meer’, EA 12: 53-76. Hasluck, F. W. (1910), Cyzicus. Cambridge. Jaccottet, A.-Fr. (2003), Choisir Dionysos. Les associations dionysiaques ou la face cachée du dionysisme II. Les documents. Zürich. Mendel, G. (1900), ‘Inscriptions de Bithynie’, BCH 24: 361-426. |
i. | Private associations | Certain |
Note | The term thiasoi refers to private religious associations. |