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Last Updated on 13 Jun 2019

Author: Stella Skaltsa

CAPInv. 442: Sarapiastai hous synegagen Menneas


i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Delos
iii. Site Delos


i. Full name (original language) Σαραπιασταὶ οὓς συνήγαγεν Μεννέας (ID 1403 Β Col. II.1, ll. 64-5; ΙD 1412a, ll. 57-8; ID 1417 A Col. II.1, ll. 88-9; IG XI.4 1307, ll. 7-8?)
ii. Full name (transliterated) Sarapiastai hous synegagen Menneas


i. Date(s) b. 166 BC


ii. Name elements
Personal:hous synegagen Menneas: See VII.i
Theophoric:Sarapiastai: worshippers of Sarapis


i. Source(s) ID 1403 B Col. II.1, ll. 64-5 (shortly after 166 BC)
ID 1412a, ll. 57-8 (166-157/6 BC)
ID 1417 A Col. II.1, ll. 88-9 (155/4 BC)
IG XI.4 1307, ll. 7-8 (ca. 182 BC?) (?: the name of the founder/ leader is restored)
Note ID 1403: RICIS no. 202/0421
ID 1412a: RICIS no. 202/0422
ID 1417: RICIS no. 202/0424
IG XI.4 1307: RICIS no. 202/ 0191
Online Resources ID 1403
ID 1412a
ID 1417
IG XI.4 1307
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Inventories of Sarapieion C in Greek.
i.c. Physical format(s) Marble stelai.
ii. Source(s) provenance ID 1417: Found in 'Treasury I'.


i. Founder(s) As the clause denotes, Menneas was the founder or the leader of the Sarapiastai (Σαραπιασταὶ οὓς συνήγαγεν Μεννέας, Sarapiastai hous synegagen Menneas).
Gender Male
ii. Leadership See above: VII.i.


iv. Status Menneas can be identified with Menneas son of Kleon Karpaseotes (Mora 1990: 89 no. 661). If so, he offered a number of dedications to Sarapieion over a long period of time by himself or together with his compatriots.
He dedicated a:
- poterion before 183 BC (IG XI.4 1307, l. 8; 1308, ll. 2-3; ID 1403 Bb II, l. 65; 1412a, l. 57; 1417 A II, ll. 88-9)
- skaphion with the image of Isis and Sarapis before 166 BC (ID 1403 Bb II, l. 72; 1412a l. 60; 1417 A II, ll. 88-90)
- poterion before 166 BC (ID 1403 Bb II, ll. 83-4; 1417 A II, ll. 111-2)
- skaphion before 155 BC (ID 1412a, l. 65)


iv. Honours/Other activities Dedication of a silver cup (ὁλκή, holke), worthy 72 dr to Sarapis.
The cup was originally stored in Sarapieion but later moved to the temple of Artemis.
In ID 1417 A II ll. 88-9 the value of the cup is recorded as being 70 dr, from which 3 ob were deducted.


i. Comments The restoration of the name of Menneas as the founder/ leader of the Sarapiastai in IG XI.4 1307 ll. 7-8 is based on ID 1417 A II ll. 88-89. The dedications recorded in lines 1-9 in IG XI.4 1307 are also attested in ID 1417 A II ll. 81-89, yet in a different order.
iii. Bibliography Mora, F. (1990), Prosopografia Isiaca, (EPRO 113). Leiden.


i. Private association Certain
Note The terminology used (theophoric name ending in -iastai followed by the name of the leader or founder) makes it certain that we have here a private association.