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Last Updated on 01 Mar 2017

Author: Paschalis Paschidis

CAPInv. 490: to koinon ton thias[i]ton


i. Geographical area Macedonia
ii. Region Bottia
iii. Site Beroia


i. Full name (original language) τὸ κοινὸν τῶν θιασ[ι]τῶν, (I.Beroia 22, ll. 5-6)
ii. Full name (transliterated) to koinon ton thias[i]ton


i. Date(s) 7 BC


ii. Name elements
Cultic:thiasitai (l. thiasotai, l. 5-6)
iii. Descriptive terms κοινόν, koinon
θίασος, thiasos
Note koinon: I.Beroia 22, ll. 5
thiasos: I.Beroia 22, ll. 3


i. Source(s) I.Beroia 22 (7 BC, ca. April)
Note Jaccottet II no. 18; SEG 48: 751; GRA I 63; AGRW 35
Online Resources I.Beroia 22 and AGRW ID 1167
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Greek dedication (ll. 1-4) and honorific inscription (ll. 5-7).
i.c. Physical format(s) Crowned marble stele with a relief portraying Dionysos (?) performing a libation and the dedicant Paramonos in smaller scale to the right. A large wreath of ivy leaves is portrayed below the relief.
ii. Source(s) provenance Discovered within the walls of ancient Beroia, not far from the Old Metropolis, where the sanctuary of Dionysos should be located.


iii. Members The members are called θιασ[ῶ]ται, thiasotai or, rather, θιασ[ῖ]ται, thiasitai (see XII.i: Comments, below).
iv. Officials The dedicant Paramonos is clearly identified as the agoranomos of the thiasos (l. 3: ἀγορανομήσας τοῦ θιάσου, agoranomesas tou thiasou) and not as a civic agoranomos, as Jaccottet II no. 18 understands. His office was most probably related to festivities connected with the cult of Dionysos (Allamani-Souri 2008: 41-5; GRA I 63).


iv. Status The agoranomos of the thiasos Paramonos son of Theagenes is otherwise unknown. If, however, he is related to Gaios Ioulios Theagenes, honoured in the same period by the city of Beroia as "having served public life in a perfect manner" (I.Beroia 103), he belonged to an important Beroian family.


iii. Worship The dedication to Dionysus (l. 5) suggests worship by the group.
Deities worshipped Dionysos
iv. Honours/Other activities Lines 1-4 (dedication of Paramonos) and 5-8 (honorific inscription of the koinon for Paramonos) were engraved by different engravers. We should therefore understand the latter part of the text, below the relief and on the sides of the ivy wreath, as commemorating the public honouring of Paramonos for his services as agoranomos of the thiasos.


i. Comments The editors of I.Beroia had interpreted the relief as portraying an actor; this interpretation had led to the assumption that the association was an association of the Dionysiac artists. For a detailed refutation (which is followed here), see Allamani-Souri 2008: 33-41.

As Allamani-Souri 2008: 32 n. 4 points out, the restoration of ll. 5-6 of may well be θιασ[ι]τῶν (thiasiton), and not θιασ[ω]τῶν (thiasoton) as in the corpus edition. In the only parallel from Macedonia, the term used is thiasites (see CAPInv. 497: τοῖς συνθιασίταις, l. 4).
iii. Bibliography Allamani-Souri, V. (2008), ‘Σχόλια σε μια αναθηματική στήλη από τη Βέροια’, in Β΄ Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Επιγραφικής. Thessaloniki: 31-47.
Düll, S. (1977), Die Götterkulte Nordmakedoniens in römischer Zeit: eine kultische und typologische Untersuchung anhand epigraphischer, numismatischer und archäologischer Denkmaler, Munich.


i. Private association Probable
Note The association (through its agoranomos) was undoubtedly involved in public festivities connected with the cult of Dionysos. We cannot therefore exclude that this association was the official body in charge of the cult in Beroia, as seems to be the case with the thiasos in CAPInv. 472 of the Roman colony of Dion.