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Last Updated on 03 Mar 2017

Author: Maria-Gabriella Parissaki

CAPInv. 547: neoi <a>u[ra]rioi


i. Geographical area Thrace
ii. Region Propontic Thrace
iii. Site Perinthos


i. Full name (original language) νέοι<α>ὐ[ρά]ριοι (I.Perinthos 49B, ll. 3-4)
ii. Full name (transliterated) neoi <a>u[ra]rioi


i. Date(s) ii AD


ii. Name elements
Professional:νέοι αὐράριοι, neoi aurarioi (young goldsmiths)
Other:νέοι αὐράριοι, neoi aurarioi (young goldsmiths)


i. Source(s) I.Perinthos 49B (ii AD)
Note See also: GRA I 86
Online Resources I.Perinthos 49B
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Dedication in Greek of the priest Eudion, son of Phillys, to Zeus Lophites and the νέοι αὐράριοι, neoi aurarioi.
i.c. Physical format(s) Rectangular marble altar (0.51 x 0.21 x 0.19)
ii. Source(s) provenance The stone was seen in 1896 by Kalinka at Köprüce, 19 km to the NW of Perinthos. No autopsy of the stone since then and present whereabouts unknown.


iii. Age Adults
Note The members of this association are explicitly defined as νέοι, neoi, see above IV.notes.
iv. Status This was a professional association of αὐράριοι, aurarioi.


iii. Worship The altar was dedicated to Zeus Lophites and the dedicant was a priest of this cult. But the connection of both of them to the association of the neoi aurarioi is not clear; according to Sayar, I.Perinthos p. 232, the priest Εὐδίων, Eudion (ll. 1-2) made this dedication in order to thank the guild for some former donation. For the local cult of Zeus Lophites at Perinthos, see GRA I 86 with further references.
Deities worshipped Zeus Lophites


i. Local interaction For the connection of the neoi aurarioi to the cult of Zeus Lophites, see section X.iii.


i. Comments νέοις <α>ὐ|[ρα]ρίοις, neois <a>u[ra]riois, on stone; no other restoration has ever been suggested for this text.
The word neoi has been interpreted as denoting either a professional association of younger goldsmiths to be distinguished from an association of elder ones (Kalinka 1896 and Sayar, I.Perinthos, p. 232) or as denoting a group of apprentices within a wider association also including elder members (GRA I no. 86).

The same stone bore two inscriptions referring to different associations, one on the front side (see CAPInv. 546) and this one on the back. Both inscriptions are known only through Kalinka's facsimile.

Hiller von Gaertringen 1908: 162 saw a second reference to this same association in a partially preserved inscription, which mentions the cult of Zeus Lophites; thus he proposed the restitution [συ]ναγωγῇ (τῶ)ν Α[ὐ--]|[ρί]ων νέων, [sy]nagoge (to)n A[u--]|[ri]on neon. But this text, though mentioned as originating from Perinthos both by him and by Cook 1914-1940: Appendix B, 874-5, no. 1/3, has not been included in I.Perinthos, and the restoration remains uncertain.
ii. Poland concordance Poland B *68
iii. Bibliography Cook, A.B. (1914-1940), Zeus: A Study in Ancient Religion. Cambridge: Appendix B, 874-5, no. 1/3
Hiller von Gaertringen, F. (1908), 'Inschriften unsicherer Herkunft',MDAI(A) 33: 161-163.
Kalinka, E. (1896), ‘Antike Inschriften in Constantinopel und Umgebung’, AEMÖ 19: 58-68, esp. 67-8.
Poland, F. (1909), Geschichte des griechischen Vereinswesens. Leipzig.


i. Private association Certain
Note The terminology employed suggests a private association.