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PDFLast Updated on 24 Nov 2018
i. |
Geographical area |
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Nome |
Elephantine (U01)
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Site |
i. |
Association with unknown name |
iii. |
Descriptive terms |
σύνοδος, synodos ?
Note |
Synodos?: l. 4
i. |
Source(s) |
I.Philae 20 (118-116 BC)
Note |
Other editions: SB I 3448.
Online Resources |
I.Philae 20 TM 80769
i.a. |
Source type(s) |
Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. |
Document(s) typology & language/script |
Greek dedication to Kalanthes, Pan, and the Saviour God.
i.c. |
Physical format(s) |
ii. |
Source(s) provenance |
The block of stone bearing the dedication is now stuck on the northern side of the southern wall of the Western Portico in the front courtyard of the Isis temple on Philae.
ii. |
References to buildings/objects |
βωμόν, bomon (l. 7)
iv. |
Officials |
γραμματεὺς τῆ̣[ς συνόδου], grammateus te[s synodou] (l. 4)
iv. |
Status |
If the restoration of the term synodos is correct, the secretary of the association (grammateus) held the aulic title of syngenes and the offices of epistrategos and strategos of the Thebaid (ll. 2-4), and was connected with the military forces (infantry, cavalry, and navy) stationed in the polis Ptolemais Hermeiou.
vi. |
Proper names and physical features |
Δημήτριος ὁ συγγε̣[νὴς καὶ ἐ]π̣ιστράτηγο̣ς̣ καὶ στρατ[ηγὸς τῆς Θ]ηβαίδος καὶ γραμματεὺς τῆ̣[ς συνόδου]
iii. |
Worship |
If this text indeed records a grammateus of an association, the dedication to Kolanthes, Pan, and the Saviour God shows the devotion of the association (or at least of one of its members) to these deities.
Deities worshipped |
Kolanthes Pan Saviour God
i. |
Local interaction |
The secretary of the association (providing that the restoration is valid) was engaged in the military and administrative life of the Thebaid, as epistrategos and strategos (ll. 2-4).
i. |
Private association |
Note |
The possibility of this inscription attesting an association lies in the validity of the restoration γραμματεὺς τῆ̣[ς συνόδου] grammateus tes synodou in l. 4. The man who bore this title, Demetrius (who was also epistrategos and strategos of the Thebaid), dedicated the altar together with the infantry, cavalry, and naval forces stationed in the polis of Ptolemais Hermeiou (ll. 2-7: Δημήτριος ὁ συγγε̣[νὴς | καὶ ἐ]π̣ιστράτηγο̣ς̣ καὶ στρατ[ηγὸς | τῆς Θ]ηβαίδος καὶ γραμματεὺς τῆ̣[ς συνόδου | καὶ αἱ ἐ]ν̣ Πτολεμαίδι τεταγμέ[ναι δυνάμεις | π̣ε̣ζ̣ι̣]καὶ καὶ ἱππικαὶ καὶ ναυτικα[ὶ] | τὸν βωμόν, Demetrios ho syngenes kai epistrategos kai strategos tes Thebaidos kai grammateus tes synodou kai hai en Ptolemaidi tetagmenai dynameis pezikai kai hippikai kai nautikai ton bomon). One can but wonder whether the supposed association was an association of soldiers, cavalrymen, and navy troops.