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Last Updated on 12 Nov 2015

Author: Georgios Zachos

CAPInv. GR-60: heroias<s>tai


i. Geographical area Central Greece
ii. Region Phokis
iii. Site Delphi


i.a. Full reference (original language) ἡρωϊασ<σ>ταί (FD III1, 294, ll. 9-10)
i.b. Full reference (transliterated) heroias<s>tai
ii. Reference context They are mentioned on the Law of Cadys with patria, thiason and koinon


i. Date(s) 399 - 365 BC


i. Descriptive terms ἡρωϊασ<σ>ταί, heroiastai (FD III1, 294
Note The term is referred to cultic associations


i. Source(s) FD III1, 294, l. 9-10 (399 - 365 BC)
Note Other editions:
Homolle 1926: 14-18+Reinach 1927
Asheri 1969, 104-108
Salviat 1971
Jacquemin-Mulliez-Rougemont 2012, no. 28
Online Resources FD III1, 294
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script τεθμός, tethmos,Law
i.c. Physical format(s) It consists of many fragments
ii. Source(s) provenance It was inscribed on the inner side of prodomos' pilaster in Cnidian Treasure


i. Comments It is mentioned in the text as a general term. On the other hand, Plutarch (Mor. 293d) mentions a Delphic festival of Herois (feminine) with secret rites known only to the Thyiades and public actions (dromena) suggested a connection to Semele. Mor. 293d
Heroic cult in the Delphic Prytaneion is mentioned in an inscription of the second quarter of the 2nd c. AD (Bousquet 1966: 443-46)
iii. Bibliography Asheri, D. (1969), ‘Leggi greche sul problema dei debiti’, SCO 18: 5-122.
Bousquet, J. (1966), ‘Inscriptions de Delphes’, BCH 90, 428-46
Homolle, Th. (1926), ‘La loi de Cadys sur le prêt à intérêt’, BCH 50: 3-106, esp. 28
Jacquemin, A., Mulliez, D., and Rougemont, G. (2012), Choix d'inscriptions de Delphes, traduites et commentées. Etudes épigraphiques, 5. Athènes: 55-8, no. 28
Reinach, Th. (1927), ‘À propos de la loi delphique de Cadys sur le prêt à intérêt’, BCH 51: 170-7.
Salviat, Fr. (1971), ‘Prêt aux femmes et décompte des intérêts dans la loi delphique de Cadys’, in Fr. Salviat, and Cl. Vatin Inscriptions de Grèce centrale, Paris: 35-43


i. Private associations Possible
Note It is mentioned in the text as a general term. Cf. Plutarch (Mor. 293d)