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Last Updated on 21 Jun 2019

Author: Stella Skaltsa

CAPInv. GR-62: koineịa


i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Keos
iii. Site Ioulis


i.a. Full reference (original language) κοινεῖ̣α (SEG 14: 532 ll. 16-7)
i.b. Full reference (transliterated) koineịa
ii. Reference context In an epidosis (public subscription) for building works in the fortification walls, the koineia contributed (τοὺς δὲ ἐπιδόντας, tous de epidontas, l. 15) together with two other categories of donors, the phylai and plausibly the idiotai (according to the proposed restoration in SEG 14: 532 l. 15-6, accepted with some hesitation by Jones 1987: 205 and more warmly by Migeotte 1992: 171).

The first part of the text (ll. 1-15), though poorly preserved, seems to record a decree for the opening of an epidosis that would raise funds for building works in the fortification walls. In light of the restorations in the text (esp. ll. 2-4) it seems that the subscription was open to all the citizens and inhabitants of the city.
In lines 15-21 the various donors are specified and arrangements are made for writing up the decree and setting up the stele in the Lykeion.
Lines 21-32 contain a list of the names of 15 individuals (citizens) who contributed financially to the building works. They contributed with 359 dr (from 5 to 50 dr each), a modest amount of money for the scale of the project (Migeotte 1992: 171).


i. Date(s) m. iii BC


i. Descriptive terms κοινεῖα, koineia


i. Source(s) SEG 14: 532 (m. iii BC)
Note The date is based on lettering.
Online Resources SEG 14: 532
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Decree of an epidosis (public subscription) for building works in the fortification walls and list of contributors.
i.c. Physical format(s) White marble stele, broken on top and bottom.
H. 74 x W. 33 x Th. 7 cm.
ii. Source(s) provenance Found in 1947 in the church of Haghia Anastasia, half an hour away north of the Chora. Now in the museum in Chora.


i. Local interaction The [...] koineia assist financially building works of the fortification walls together with other bodies/ groups (e.g. phylai). Given that the first lines of the epidosis record an appeal to all citizens and inhabitants of the city, the koineia seems to have been actively involved in community life, providing financial assistance to public projects (i.e. fortification walls).

That private associations, if the term koineia in this context stand for private associations, contribute to public works along with other bodies and individuals, should not take us by surprise. Contributions by a wide range of bodies is well attested in Rhodes (e.g. Lindos II 252 = Migeotte 1992: no. 40).


i. Comments Listing of groups contributing to the epidosis in lines 15-17: the stone is damaged at the end of line 16 and the beginning of line 17. Only the final 'n' (genitive plural) of the word preceding the plural genitive koineion is preserved. The following restoration has been put forward by the editor (Dunand & Thomopoulos 1954: 322-26 no. 2): [ἄλλω?]ν κοινεί̣ω̣ν̣ ([allo?]n koineịọṇ).

The editors (Dunand & Thomopoulos 1954: 324) think that the koineia might have been family-based associations ('association familiale') or cult associations.
Τhe term koineion is sometimes interchangeably used with koinon in the same text (e.g. Thera: IG XII.3 330 [CAP Inv. no. 1645; area of Apollonis: SEG 52:1197 [CAPInv. 921].
Unlike Poland (1909: 168) who takes koineia in IG IV 757 (cf. CAPInv. 552; CAPInv. 553; CAPInv. 555; CAPInv. 556) as referring to associations, the term stands for land (plausibly owned by groups/ associations).

In light of the linguistic affinities with the term koinon and the interchangeable use of the two terms in the same text, it seems likely that the term koineion denotes a private association.
iii. Bibliography Dunand, C. & Thomopoulos, J. (1954), 'Inscriptions de Céos', BCH 78: 316-48 (esp. 322-26 no. 2).

Jones, N.F. (1987), Public organization in ancient Greece. A documentary study. Philadelphia.

Maier, F.G. (1959-61), Griechische Mauerbauinschriften. Heidelberg (esp. no. 38).

Migeotte, L. (1992), Les souscriptions publiques dans les cités grecques. Quebec (sep. 169-72 no. 56).


i. Private associations Certain
Note The term koineion usually stands for a private association.