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Last Updated on 23 Mar 2017

Author: Benedikt Eckhardt

CAPInv. 649: Kerauniastai

Hide this section I. LOCATION

i. Geographical area The Near East and Beyond
ii. Region Syria
iii. Site Antioch

Hide this section II. NAME

i. Full name (original language) Κεραυνιασταί (SEG 35: 1483, ll. B27-28)
ii. Full name (transliterated) Kerauniastai

Hide this section III. DATE

i. Date(s) 73 / 74 AD

Hide this section IV. NAME AND TERMINOLOGY

ii. Name elements
Theophoric:Kerauniastai: from Zeus' epithet Keraunios

Hide this section V. SOURCES

i. Source(s) SEG 35: 1483 (AD 73/4)
Online Resources SEG 35: 1483
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Greek building inscription
i.c. Physical format(s) Limestone stele
ii. Source(s) provenance Found at the west bank of the Orontes

Hide this section XII. NOTES

i. Comments The Kerauniastai are one of the plintheia that participated in the building of the fullers' canal. Cf. CAPInv. 647.
iii. Bibliography Feissel, D. (1985), ‘Deux listes de quartiers d’Antioche astreints au creusement d’un canal (73-74 après J.-C.)’, Syria 62: 77-103.
Robert, L. (1951), ‘Contribution à la topographie de villes de l’Asie Mineure méridionale’, CRAI 1951: 254-9, esp. 255-6.

Hide this section XIII. EVALUATION

i. Private association Probable
Note In general, cf. CAPInv. 647.
The plintheion Κεραυνιαστῶν, Kerauniaston, contrasts with the plintheion Διὸς Σωτῆρος, Dios Soteros immediately following. Feissel 1985: 103 plausibly assumes that the latter designation refers to a sanctuary, while the first one refers to a club house.