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PDFLast Updated on 13 Mar 2017
i. |
Geographical area |
ii. |
Region |
Inland Thrace
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Site |
Nicopolis ad Istrum
i. |
Full name (original language) |
Βακχεῖον Ἀσιανῶν (SEG 53: 726, ll. 3-4)
ii. |
Full name (transliterated) |
Bakcheion Asianon
ii. |
Name elements |
Ethnic: | Ἀσιανοί, Asianoi, see CAPInv. 638, for further comments. |
iii. |
Descriptive terms |
Βακχεῖον, Bakcheion
Note |
Bakcheion: SEG 53: 726, ll. 3-4
i. |
Source(s) |
SEG 53: 726 (f. iii AD)
Note |
See also: AGRW 78; SEG 53: 726; AÉ (2003), no. 1563
Online Resources |
SEG 53: 726 and AGRW ID 3543
i.a. |
Source type(s) |
Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. |
Document(s) typology & language/script |
Dedication in Greek
i.c. |
Physical format(s) |
Limestone column (h: 1.12, diam.: 0.295)
ii. |
Source(s) provenance |
i. |
Archaeological remains |
Butovo, situated in the territory of Nicopolis ad Istrum, is known to have been an important centre for pottery production in the period spanning from the beginning of the 2nd cent. AD to the middle of the 3rd cent., see TIR Philippopolis, K-35/II, p. 65 (s.v.).
ii. |
References to buildings/objects |
The dedication to the Bakcheion is referred to in the text as a κίων, kion (l. 5).
ii. |
Leadership |
ἱερεύς, hiereus (l. 5)
i. |
Number |
Undefined; only one (the hiereus) mentioned by name in the text.
iv. |
Status |
See above (IV.ii) for the possible ethnic origin of the members.
i. |
Comments |
Βαχχίου Ἀσιανῶν,Bachchiou Asianon, on the stone.
Two bakcheia seem to have existed simultaneously at Nicopolis ad Istrum's territory: one gathering, at least initially, devotees originating from Asia Minor, and one for those designated as 'vernaculi', see CAPInv. 1753.
For cult associations of Ἀσιανοί, Asianoi, from the Roman provinces of Thracia and Moesia Inferior, see also Dionysopolis (IGBulg I2 23), Municipium Montanensium (IGBulg II 480) and Perinthos (I.Perinthos 56) (see CAPInv. 638); these are designated either as a σπεῖρα, speira, or as a βακχεῖον, bakchion. For neighbouring Macedonia, see CAPInv. 515 and an association from Napoca in Dacia, CIL III 870.
iii. |
Bibliography |
Loungarova, P. (2007), ‘Colonne à inscription du village de Boutovo (Moesia Inferior)’, in M. Mayer, G. Baratta and A. Guzman Almagro (eds.), Acta XII Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Gracae et Latinae, Barcelona: 847-50.
i. |
Private association |
Note |
The term Βακχεῖον, Bakcheion, points to a Dionysiac cult association.