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Last Updated on 01 Dec 2018

Author: Mario C.D. Paganini

CAPInv. 754: U-EGY-019


i. Geographical area Egypt
ii. Nome Arsinoites (00)
iii. Site Alexandrou Nesos


i. Association with unknown name U-EGY-019


i. Date(s) 221 BC


i. Source(s) P.Enteux. 20 (12 Tybi = 28 Gorpiaios = 26 February 221 BC)
Note AGRW 293
Online Resources P.Enteux. 20
TM 2981
AGRW ID 2900
i.a. Source type(s) Papyrological source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Greek petition to the King by the sister of a deceased member of an association, regarding the non payment of the taphikon by the members of the association.
i.c. Physical format(s) Papyrus
ii. Source(s) provenance The papyrus was found in mummy cartonnage at Magdola (Ars.). The petitioner states that she is from the village of Alexandrou Nesos (l. 1): the association was obviously also located in the same village, since it is not stated otherwise.


ii. Leadership ἀρχιθιασί[της, archithiasites (l. 4): the man was called Philippos.
iii. Members Membership of the association is expressed by the verb συνθιασιτεύω synthiasiteuo: τ]οῦ [γὰρ ἐμοῦ ἀδελ]φοῦ Ἀπολλοδότου συνθιασιτεύοντος αὐτοῖς, tou gar emou adelphou Apollodotou synthiasiteuontos autois (l. 2).
iv. Officials The association had a ἱερεύς, hiereus (l. 4): his name was Dionysios.
vi. Laws and rules The association had a θιασιτικὸς νόμος, thiasitikos nomos (ll. 5, 9). We do not know the details of these regulations, but from the wording in ll. 4-5 (πρὸς τῶι μήτε θάψαι μήτε | ἐξακολ[ουθῆσαι αὐτῶι κα]τὰ [τὸν θιασι]τικὸν νόμον, pros toi mete thapsai mete exakolouthesai autoi kata ton thiasitikon nomon) we can infer that they at least established that the association would take care of the burial of deceased members and would accompany their funeral. Furthermore, the payment of the taphikon, a burial indemnity, was contemplated.
ix. Privileges According to the rules of the association, every members was entitled to a funeral which was to be attended by the other members. A burial indemnity, ταφικόν, taphikon (ll. 5, 7; verso 3) was also granted to members. In certain cases, however, what promised was not kept and the family of the deceased had to take legal action against the association.


i. Treasury/Funds The association had to possess funds, given that money for burial indemnity (taphikon) was theoretically being disbursed.


ii. Gender Men
Note The names of the members of the association are all male. It is nowhere stated that the petitioner, sister of the deceased member, belonged to the association; she most probably did not.
vi. Proper names and physical features Φίλιππος ἀρχιθιασί[της
Διονύσιος ἱερεύς

Κράτεια, sister of Ἀπολλόδοτος


iv. Honours/Other activities The members of the association theoretically took part in the funeral rites for their fellow members.


i. Private association Certain
Note The presence of the verb συνθιασιτεύω synthiasiteuo to indicate membership, a well organised structure with an archithiasites, a hiereus, funds for the taphikon, common funerary ceremonies, and a thiasitikos nomos render certain the fact that this group was a private association.