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Last Updated on 28 May 2019

Author: Vincent Gabrielsen

CAPInv. 81: Adoniasta[i]


i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Rhodes
iii. Site Lartos, territory of Lindos


i. Full name (original language) Ἀδωνιαστα[ί]
ii. Full name (transliterated) Adoniasta[i]


i. Date(s) i BC


ii. Name elements
Theophoric:From Adonis, whose cult is well attested in Rhodes: H. van Gelder Geschichte der alten Rhodier (The Hague, 1900) 337; Poland 1909, 216; D. Morelli, I culti in Rodi. SCO 8 (Pisa, 1959) 1, 79-80. The festival Adonia is so far attested in the context of a private association, the Adoniazontes (Ἀδωνιάζοντες): ASAA n.s. 1-2 (1939-40), 147, no. 1.
iii. Descriptive terms


i. Source(s) I.Lindos II 656
Online Resources I.Lindos II 656
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Dedicatory-honorary statue base in Greek
i.c. Physical format(s) Fragmentary statue base of Lartian marble. Originally it was furnished with an entablature on which the first (and now not extant) part of the inscription was carved, and which supported the statues of two persons. C. Blinkenberg (I. Lindos II 656, commentary ad loc.) considers it probable that the the two statues were of a man and his wife.
ii. Source(s) provenance It was discovered in a site south of the village Lartos, Lindos, close by the sea.


iii. Members Those portrayed by the statues supported by this base were almost certainly members of the association.


ii. Gender Men
Note If C. Blinkenberg's view about the individuals to whom the monument belonged is correct (see above), then a man and his wife were among the members of this association.
iii. Age Adults
iv. Status The persons honoured are called χρηστοί (chrestoi). If, as has been argued, this indicates non-citizen status, i.e. foreigners and especially slaves (L. Robert, Etudes Anatoliennes, (Paris, 1937) 369; P.M. Fraser, Rhodian Funerary Monuments (Oxford 1977), then I.Lindos II 656 would concern non-Rhodians. However, this theory is still in need of formal proof.


iv. Honours/Other activities The honour awarded by the Adoniastai to each of the persons concerned is not specified, but it might have consisted of a gold wreath ( (χρυσέωι στεφάνωι, chryseoi stephanoi). The association is listed together with four other bodies, of which at least two -- the Sarapiast[ai] (Σαραπιαστ[αί]) and the Hermaistai (Ἑρμαισταί) -- were private associations.


i. Comments A probable restoration of I.Lindos 656, l. 5 is: ὑπὸ Ἀδωνιαστᾶ[ν χρυσέωι στεφάνωι]. If so, the name of this association would consist of a single element and therefore this association ought to be distinguished from those which use Adoniastai in composite names, e.g.: Bresson, Recueil Pérée nos. 57 and 126 (= I.Rhod.Per. 156), both from the Rhodian Peraia. The connection made between all these names by Blinkenberg (I.Lindos II, commentary on no. 656) and Pugliese Carratelli (ASAA n.s. 1-2 (1939-1942) 176) is unsupported.


i. Private association Certain
Note The theophoric name makes it certain that this is a private association.