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Last Updated on 24 Jun 2019

Author: Jan-Mathieu Carbon

CAPInv. 836: thiasos


i. Geographical area Western Asia Minor
ii. Region Caria
iii. Site Kaunos


i. Full name (original language) θί[ασος] (I. Kaunos 39, line 28)
ii. Full name (transliterated) thiasos


i. Date(s) 250 (?) - 50 (?) BC


ii. Name elements
Cultic:It is likely that the term thiasos is being used in its usual cultic sense; see below VII.iv for a priest.


i. Source(s) I. Kaunos 39 (ca. 250-50 BC?).
Note Cf. also Bean 1953: 23 no. 6;
SEG 12, 473; BE 1954: no. 229.
Online Resources PHI: I. Kaunos 39
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Bipartite and columniated list of contributors and contributions in Greek.
i.c. Physical format(s) Lower part of a marble stele with moulding.
ii. Source(s) provenance Sultaniye.


iv. Officials ἱερεύς, hiereus (line 27)
Eponymous officials Part of the list of contributors is dated ἐπὶ ἱερέως Σωσιγένους, epi hiereos Sosigenous (line 27). It is unclear if this priest is an eponymous official of the thiasos, or that of Kaunos itself, thus providing a dating formula. In favour of the former interpretation is the fact that the eponymous official of Kaunos would typically be referred to as the stephanephoros.


i. Treasury/Funds The inscription is apparently a bipartite list of contributors to an association, with a new heading at lines 27-28ff. (οἱ ἐπανγειλάμενοι... εἰς τὴν ἐπα[ύ]ξησιν τοῦ̣ θι̣[άσου], hoi epangeilamenoi... eis ten epa[y]xesin tou thi[asou]). The list above (lines 1-26) should probably be seen as an earlier set of contributions for the benefit of the same body (perhaps belonging to the preceding year or to another subgroup forming part of the wider whole?).
iii. Income The contributions listed in the inscription are lacunose, but on average appear to be in the order of 3-5 drachmae.


i. Number Part 1 of the inscription: 15 individuals and 10 sons.
ii. Gender Men
iii. Age Children
Note Adult males make contributions on their own or on the behalf of their sons (especially in Part 1 of the list).
iv. Status Most of the contributors are members of Kaunian tribes and demes, therefore citizens. From their ethnic identifications, the individuals come from a wide range of different localities within the wider Kaunian polity, see Marek 2006: 84 for further discussion.
v. Relations Men and, typically, their sons.


i. Local interaction Apparently for the purpose of comparison, reference is made to another thiasos--see ^CAP Inv. 1646^--belonging to Theodotos the son of Antipatros. It is unclear whether this group was an independent body or a constituent part of the same larger thiasos. The former seems likely, though both possibilities are not mutually exclusive; see discussion ad loc.


i. Comments Cp. also the more elaborate lists of contributions in I. Kaunos 38 and 40 (both belonging to the context of the city).
iii. Bibliography Bean, G.E. (1953), 'Notes and Inscriptions from Caunus', JHS 73: 10-35.
Marek, C. (2006), Die Inschriften von Kaunos. Vestigia 55. Munich.


i. Private association Probable
Note The name of the group as a thiasos has been plausibly restored at line 28: τοῦ̣ θι̣[άσου]. Since we are dealing with a list of financial contributions specifically for the enhancement of the group, the private character of the association seems assured. It remains unclear to what context (a local sanctuary?) this cultic group may have belonged.