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Last Updated on 10 Jul 2019

Author: Fabienne Marchand

CAPInv. 923: ampelourgoi

Hide this section I. LOCATION

i. Geographical area Central Greece
ii. Region Boiotia
iii. Site Tanagra

Hide this section II. NAME

i. Full name (original language) ἀμπελουργοί (SEG 32: 488, l. 5)
ii. Full name (transliterated) ampelourgoi

Hide this section III. DATE

i. Date(s) ii - i BC

Hide this section IV. NAME AND TERMINOLOGY

ii. Name elements
Professional:ἀμπελουργοί, ampelourgoi: vine-dressers

Hide this section V. SOURCES

i. Source(s) SEG 32: 488 (ii or i BC)
Note The text can also be found in the following publications:
Roesch 1982: 133-6, no. 15
Jaccottet II no. 9
GRA I no. 58
AGRW 31e
Marchand 2015: no. 2
Online Resources SEG 32: 488
AGRW ID# 3982
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Funerary stele in Koine Greek.
i.c. Physical format(s) Very worn stele of beige marble with pediment and acroteria. Two four-petalled rosettes are placed between the second and third lines of the inscription. The stone has probably been re-used: traces of letters – of which none can be securely read – are visible above the rosettes.
ii. Source(s) provenance Region of Tanagra


ii. Realty The ampelourgoi join the Dionysiastai to bury their common members. Either of the associations might have owned burial grounds.

Hide this section IX. MEMBERSHIP

ii. Gender Men
Note Only one member is known so far, Eutychos.

Hide this section X. ACTIVITIES

iv. Honours/Other activities Burial of members

Hide this section XI. INTERACTION

i. Local interaction They ampelourgoi are associated with the Dionysiastai to bury their common member (see CAPInv. 922).

Hide this section XII. NOTES

iii. Bibliography Jaccottet, A.-F. (2003), Choisir Dionysos. Les associations dionysiaques ou la face cachée du dionysisme. 2 vols. Zürich.
Kloppenborg, J.S., and Ascough, R.S. (2011), Greco-Roman Associations: Texts, Translations, and Commentary. I. Attica, Central Greece, Macedonia, Thrace. Berlin, New York.
Marchand, F. (2015), ‘The Associations of Tanagra: Epigraphic Practice and Regional Context’, Chiron 45: 239-66.
Roesch, P. (1982), Etudes béotiennes. Paris: 133-6, no. 15.

Hide this section XIII. EVALUATION

i. Private association Certain
Note The fact that the ampelourgoi are associated with another association of Dionysiastai to bury their common member shows that they are themselves also an organised body.