i. | Geographical area | Central Greece |
ii. | Region | Phokis |
iii. | Site | Delphi |
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Last Updated on 27 May 2019
CAPInv. 955: hoi technitai hoi ex Isthmou kai Nemeas
i. | Full name (original language) | οἱ τεχνῖται οἱ ἐξ Ἰσθμοῦ καὶ Νεμέας (CID IV 120, l. 12) |
ii. | Full name (transliterated) | hoi technitai hoi ex Isthmou kai Nemeas |
i. | Date(s) | f. iv (?) BC - 112 |
i. | Name in other forms |
τὸ κ]οιν̣[ὸν τῶν τεχνιτᾶν ἐξ Ἰσθμοῦ καὶ Ν]εμέας, to k]oin[on ton technitan ex Isthmou kai N]emeas (Syll.3 460, ll. 2-3; Syll.3 690, ll. 1-2) [τὸ κ]οινὸν τῶν τεχνιτῶν τῶν εἰς Ἰσθμὸν [καὶ Νεμέαν συμπορευο]μένων, [to k]oinon ton techniton ton eis Isthmou [kai Nemean symporeuo]menon (CID IV 70, ll. 2-3; F.Delphes III.3 218B, l. 8) [οἱ τεχνῖται οἱ εἰς] Ἰσθμὸν καὶ Νεμέαν συντελοῦντες, [hoi technitai hoi eis] Isthmou kai Nemean syntelountes (CID IV 71, l. 2) τ[ι]νες τῶν ἐκ Πελο[π]ον<ν>ήσου τε[χνιτῶν, t[i]nes ton ek Pelo[p]on<n>esou te[chniton (F.Delphes III.2 70, l. 18 et passim) [Τ]ὸ κοινὸν τῶν περὶ τὸν Διόνυσον τεχνιτῶν ἐξ Ἰσθμοῦ καὶ Νεμέας, [to] koinon ton peri ton Dionyson techniton ex Isthmou kai Nemeas (Syll.3 704B, ll. 1-2) |
ii. | Name elements |
iii. | Descriptive terms |
κοινόν, koinon σύνοδος, synodos |
Note |
koinon: Syll.3 460, l. 1; F.Delphes III.3 218B, l. 1; CID IV 70, l. 5; Syll.3 690, l. 1; CID IV 120, l. 7; F.Delphes III.2 70, l. 23 et passim; Syll.3 704B, l. 1 synodos: F.Delphes III.2 70, l. 32 et passim |
i. | Source(s) |
Syll.3 460 (after 280/79 or 315-280) F.Delphes III.3 218B (f. iv (?) BC - 112) CID IV 70 (228/7 BC) CID IV 71 (222/1 BC) Syll.3 690 (150-125 BC) CID IV 120 (117/16-112 BC) F.Delphes III.2 70 (112 BC) Syll.3 704B (128 BC?) |
Note |
Other editions: Syll.3 460: Csapo and Slater 1994: 243, no. 38 (eng. trans.) Le Guen I no. 17 Aneziri no. B1 Jacquemin, Mulliez and Rougemont 2012: no. 69 F.Delphes III.3 218B: Syll.3 507 IG IX.2 175 Le Guen I no. 38, ll. 5-8 Aneziri no. D1 CID IV 70-71: F.Delphes III.1 351 Bousquet 1961: 78-85 SEG 19: 1963 SEG 19: 379 SEG 28:1978 SEG 28: 464 Csapo and Slater 1994: 245-6, no. 41 (eng. trans.) Le Guen I no. 20 Aneziri nos. B3b-c Syll.3 690: Stamatakis 1883: 163-4 SGDI 2569 Nachtergael 1977: 492-3, no. 80 Le Guen I no. 26 Aneziri no. B7 CID IV 120: Homolle 1899: 51-4 Le Guen I no. 12E Aneziri no. C1c F.Delphes III.2 70: Homolle 1899: 13-24, 48 Syll.3 705 RDGE 15 Canali de Rossi 1997: 177a Le Guen I no. 12A Aneziri no. C2 Jacquemin 1999: 474 Jacquemin, Mulliez and Rougemont 2012: no. 196 Syll.3 704B: Le Guen I no. 35A Jacquemin 1999: 474 Aneziri no. B8 Jacquemin, Mulliez and Rougemont 2012: 197 |
Online Resources |
F.Delphes III.3 218B CID IV 70 CID IV 71 Syll.3 690 CID IV 120 F.Delphes III.2 70 Syll.3 704B |
i.a. | Source type(s) | Epigraphic source(s) |
i.b. | Document(s) typology & language/script |
Syll.3 460: Honorific decree F.Delphes III.3 218B: Aetolian decree CID IV 70-71: Amphictyonic decree defining the privileges and the obligations of the Nemean-Isthmian technitai participating in the festival of Dionysos Kadmeios in Thebes. Syll.3 690: Catalogue of the artists sent by the guild to the Winter Soteria at the request of Delphi. CID IV 120: Letter of the Amphictyony to the Athenians about the decision of the Council over a dispute between the technitai of Athens and those of Isthmos and Nemea. F.Delphes III.2 70: Senatus consultum about the dispute between the technitai of Isthmos and Nemea and those of Athens Syll.3 704B: Honorific inscription All in Greek. |
i.c. | Physical format(s) |
Syll.3 460: Square block F.Delphes III.3 218B: Fragmentary pedimental stele CID IV 70-71: Fragments of blocks Syll.3 690: Square block CID IV 120: Three fragments from the Athenian Treasure F.Delphes III.2 70: It was engraved in four blocks on the lower part of the south wall in the Athenian Treasure. Syll.3 704B: Statue base |
ii. | Source(s) provenance |
Syll.3 460: Delphi. It was found to the east of Apollo's sanctuary near the treasure 302, but it should belong to the wall of the so-called "Monument of Lilaia". F.Delphes III.3 218B: Sanctuary of Apollo CID IV 70-71: Theban Treasure Syll.3 690: Delphi on a field (Ch. Karalli) aside to Hiera Odos (Stamatakis 1883: 164) CID IV 120; F.Delphes III.2 70; Syll.3 704B: Delphi in the Treasure of the Athenians |
i. | Archaeological remains |
The wall of the so-called "Monument of Lilaia". Theban Treasure Treasury of the Athenians |
ii. | References to buildings/objects |
The decree of the Amphictyony was erected in Theban Treasure (οἶκον τῶν Θηβαίων, oikon ton Thebaion) (CID IV 71, ll. 8-9) and in the sekos of Semeli at Dionysos Kadmeios sanctuary in Thebes (CID IV 70, ll. 17-18) The senatus consultum (F.Delphes III.2 70b4-6) was erected in the sanctuary of Delphi, in the temenos of Dionysos in Athens by the Athenian technitai, in Asclepieion of Argos and in Cadmeia (probably the temple of Dionysos) by the Dionysiac guild of Nemea and Isthmos. |
iii. | Members | Members are called technitai. |
iv. | Officials | τοὺς ἐπιμελ[ητὰς τοὺς ὑπὸ τῶ]ν τεχνιτῶν εἱρημένους, tous epimel[etas tous ypo to]n techniton eiremenous. They are responsible along with the Theban agonothetes and the priest of Dionysos for the financial aspect of the trieteric festival of Dionysos Kadmeios (CID IV 70, ll. 14-15). |
v. | Other staff | Ambassadors sent by technitai to the praetor of Macedonia in Pella in 118/7 BC and to Senate in Rome in 112 BC. |
vi. | Laws and rules |
General references to laws: according to the laws of the synodos (κατὰ τοὺς τῆς συνόδου νόμους, kata tous tes synodou nomous, F.Delphes III.2 70, ll. 39, 52-53) common laws (τοῖς κοινοῖς νόμοις, tois koinois nomois, F.Delphes III.2 70, l. 42) οἱ νόμοι τῶν ἐξ Ἰσθμοῦ καὶ Νεμέας τεχνιτῶν κύριοι ὦσιν, hoi nomoi ton ex Isthmou kai Nemeas techniton kyrioi osin (F.Delphes III.2 70, l. 53) Amphictyony of Delphi decided that the members of the technitai who are appointed by the guild and healthy, yet are not participating in the trieteric festival of Dionysos Kadmeios are deprived of the asphaleia privilege in war and peace and are fined by the agonothetes (CID IV 71, ll. 5-11). |
viii. | Obligations | The members of the technitai who participated in the trieteric festival of Dionysos Kadmeios are obliged to do it (cf. Laws and rules). |
ix. | Privileges | The Amphictyony of Delphi granded to technitai and the city of Theban the right to determine the day for the beginning of the truce (CID IV 70, ll. 5-6). |
i. | Treasury/Funds | Dedicated objects, holy crowns (τ[ὰ] ἀναθήματα ἀπῆλθον ἔχοντες καὶ τοὺς ἱροὺς στεφάνους, t[a] anathemata apelthon echontes kai tous hirous stephanous, F.Delphes III.2 70, ll. 43-44, 49). |
iii. | Income |
A general reference to money, χρήματα, chremata, is cited (F.Delphes III.2 70, ll. 43, 49). They have common fund with the Athenian technitai (F.Delphes III.2 70, ll. 19-22) They were fined a sum of 10 talents (F.Delphes III.2 70, l. 38). |
ii. | Gender | Men |
iii. | Age | Adults |
i. | Assemblies | An assembly of the association in Sikyon is mentioned, as well as joint assemblies (the Association of Nemea and Isthmos technitai and the Association of Athenian technitai) to Argos and Thebes (F.Delphes III.2 70, ll. 20-22). |
ii. | Meetings and events |
Organization of theatrical, and music contests. Envoys sent to Delphi during Pythia and Soteria. |
iii. | Worship | τὰς θυσίας καὶ σπονδὰς, tas thysias kai spondas, sacrifices and libations (F.Delphes III.2 70, l. 45) |
Deities worshipped | Apollo, Dionysos | |
iv. | Honours/Other activities |
The city of Delphi granted to the members of the association the rights of promanteian (prior consultation of the oracle), proedrian (front seats) and prodikian (prior judgment) in late 4th / early 3rd c. BC. (Syll.3 460) Aetolians granted to the members of the guild asphaleian and asylia in 235 BC (F.Delphes III.3 218B) They erected the statue of their benefactor P. Cornelius P. f. Lentulus in the sanctuary of Apollo in ca. 128 BC (Syll.3 704B). |
i. | Local interaction | Branches of the association in Thebes and other Boeotian cities (CID IV 70-71; F.Delphes III.2 70, ll. 40, 50). The Theban-Boeotian branches seceded from the main guild and developed individual relations to the Athenian technitai between 118/7 and 112 BC. For other branches see Database. |
ii. | Interaction abroad |
They are acting together with technitai from Ionia and Hellespont in 235 BC (F.Delphes III.3 218B) They enjoyed-along with other technitai-asphaleia, asylia five days before the beginning of the festival for the Dionysos Kadmeios and five dayes after the end (CID IV 70, ll. 8-9) An arrangement between the association and the Athenian technitai was made in 138? 134? 128? BC. It provided a partial fusion of the two associations, common fund, sharing of the income, joint meetings in Argos and Thebes (F.Delphes III.2 70, ll. 19-22). The deal was cancelled a few years later and started a dispute that caused the intervention of the Roman praetor of Macedonia in 118/7 BC and was finally resolved by the Roman Senate in 112 BC in favour of the Athenian guild. Le Guen 2001: 102-5. Aneziri 2003: 306-16. Jacquemin, Mulliez and Rougemont 2012: 196-7 |
i. | Comments | Cf. CAPInv. 872 and CAPInv. 1371 |
ii. | Poland concordance |
Poland Δ 1F2 Poland Δ *10Β |
iii. | Bibliography |
Aneziri, S. (2003), Die Vereine der dionysischen Techniten im Kontext der hellenistischen Gesellschaft: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte, Organisation und Wirkung der hellenistischen Technitenvereine. Stuttgart: 306-16. Bousquet, J. (1961), ‘Inscriptions de Delphes’, BCH 85: 69-97. Canali de Rossi, F. (1997), Le ambasciere dal mondo greco a Roma in eta republicana. Roma: 137-40. Csapo, E., and Slater, W. (1994), The Context of Ancient Drama. Michigan. Daux, G. (1936), Delphes au II et au Ie siècle avant notre ère. Paris: 360-63. Le Guen, B. (2001), Les associations de technites dionysiaques à l’époque hellénistique. I. Corpus documentaire. Paris: 102-5. Homolle, Th. (1899), ‘Inscriptions de Delphes : Sénatus-consulte l'an 112 av. J.-C.’, BCH 23: 5-55. Jacquemin, A., Mulliez, D., and Rougemont G. (2012), Choix d’inscriptions de Delphes, traduites et commentées, Ėtudes Ėpigraphiques 5. Athens: 358-63, nos. 196, 197. Kallet-Marx, R. (1995), Hegemony to Empire. Berkeley, Los Angeles, Oxford: 150-2, 163, 166. Nachtergael, G. (1977), Les Galates en Grèce et les Sôtéria de Delphes. Brussels. Sánchez, P. (2001), L'Amphictionie des Pyles et de Delphes. Recherches sur son role historique des origines au IIe siecle de notre ere. Stuttgart: 402-4. Schachter, A. (1981), Cults of Boiotia 1. Acheloos to Hera. London: 189-90. Sherk, R.K. (1969), Roman Documents from the Greek East. Baltimore: 86-93. Stamatakis, P. (1883), ‘Επιγραφαί Τανάγρας και Δελφών’, AEph: 163-4. |
i. | Private association | Certain |
Note | The private status of the association is bibliographically grounded. | |
ii. | Historical authenticity | Indisputable (epigraphic evidence) |