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Last Updated on 24 May 2019

Author: Fabienne Marchand

CAPInv. 988: ty Arist[i]aste (l. hoi Aristiastai)


i. Geographical area Central Greece
ii. Region Boiotia
iii. Site Tanagra


i. Full name (original language) τὺ Ἀριστ[ι]αστὴ (SEG 26: 614, ll. 3-4)
ii. Full name (transliterated) ty Arist[i]aste (l. hoi Aristiastai)


i. Date(s) ii BC


ii. Name elements
Cultic:Aristeia (Marchand 2015)
Personal:Aristion or Ariston (or personal name with same derivation) (Roesch 1982: 124)
Professional:Ariston, breakfast, midday meal (Schachter 1976: 251-4)
Theophoric:Aristaios (Lloyd-Jones 1977: 135-6; Fraser 1977: 170, addendum to n. 333)
Ariste (Herkenrath 1906: 435-6; Pfohl 1966: 24; Fossey 1971: 244-5).


i. Source(s) SEG 26: 614 (ii BC)
Note See also:
Roesch 1982: 122-5, no. 3
SEG 31: 499
Online Resources SEG 26: 614
SEG 31: 499
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)


ii. Gender Men
Note The two deceased buried by the Aristiastai are men (Euklidas and Sotadas).


iv. Honours/Other activities Burial of their members


i. Local interaction In SEG 26: 614 the Aristiastai join the Aphrodisiastai (see CAPInv. 934) and the archers (see CAPInv. 932) to bury their common member Euklidas.


i. Comments The identity of the Aristiastai remains uncertain. Higgins 1986: fig. 55 (unpublished) offers an additional document to the dossier: another funerary stele set up by the Aristiastai for a male member confirming the restoration of an iota in SEG 26: 614. This rules out Aristaios as the eponymous for the association. Herkenrath (1906) and Fossey (1971) showed a preference for the goddess Ariste, or Ariste as an epithed for Demeter or Artemis. Schachter (1976) suggested the Aristiastai were called after ariston, a breakfast or midday meal. Roesch 1982: 124 suggested that the eponymous was a founder called Aristion, or Ariston. All these interpretations are well summarised by Pirenne-Delforge 1994: 288-9. Marchand (2015) explores the possibility that they derive their name from Aristeia. The absence of definite article between the Aristiastai and the Aphrodisiastai in SEG 26: 614 could perhaps indicate that they may have been one association. However, in the stele illustrated in Higgin's book they clearly bury one of their members by themselves. See Marchand (2015) for a discussion of this issue.
iii. Bibliography Fossey, J.M. (1971), ‘A Propos of an Inscription of Vathy’, AAA 4: 240-5.
Fraser, P. (1977), Rhodian Funerary Monuments. Oxford: 149, n. 333 with addendum 170.
Herkenrath, E. (1906), ‘Inschrift aus Vathy’, MDAI(A) 31: 434-6.
Higgins, R.A. (1986), Tanagra and the Figurines. London.
Lloyd-Jones, H. (1977), ‘Aristaios in Boeotia?’, ZPE 25: 135-6.
Marchand, F. (2015), ‘The Associations of Tanagra: Epigraphic Practice and Regional Context’, Chiron 45: 239-66.
Pfohl, G. (1966), Griechische Inschriften als Zeugnisse des privaten und öffentlichen Lebens: Griechisch-deutsch. Munich.
Pirenne-Delforge, V. (1994), L'Aphrodite grecque. Liège.
Roesch, P. (1982), Etudes béotiennes. Paris.
Roller, D. (1989), Sources and Documents on Tanagra in Boiotia. Amsterdam.
Schachter, A. (1976) ‘Aristiastai: an Inscription from Vathy (Boiotia) Reconsidered’, ZPE 23: 251-4.


i. Private association Certain
Note In SEG 26: 614 The Aristiastai join another private association, the Aphrodisiastai, to bury a common member, indicating that they were an organised body. Besides, the funerary formulae are those used by associations at Tanagra.